Strict tuples

Manuel M T Chakravarty chak at
Sat Mar 18 21:35:12 EST 2006

Loosely related to Ticket #76 (Bang Patterns) is the question of whether
we want the language to include strict tuples.  It is related to bang
patterns, because its sole motivation is to simplify enforcing
strictness for some computations.  Its about empowering the programmer
to choose between laziness and strictness where they deem that necessary
without forcing them to completely re-arrange sub-expressions (as seq

So what are strict tupples?  If a lazy pair is defined in pseudo code as

  data (a, b) = (a, b)

a strict pair would be defined as

  data (!a, b!) = ( !a, !b )

Ie, a strict tuple is enclosed by bang parenthesis (! ... !).  The use
of the ! on the rhs are just the already standard strict data type

Why strict tuples, but not strict lists and strict Maybe and so on?
Tuples are the Haskell choice of returning more than one result from a
function.  So, if I write

  add x y = x + y

the caller gets an evaluated result.  However, if I write

  addmul x y = (x + y, x * y)

the caller gets a pair of two unevaluated results.  Even with bang
patterns, I still have to write

  addmul x y = let !s = x + y; !p = x * y in (s, p)

to have both results evaluated.  With strict tuples

  addmul x y = (!x + y, x * y!)


Of course, the caller could invoke addmul using a bang patterns, as in

  let ( !s, !p ) = addmul x y
  in ...

but that's quite different to statically knowing (from the type) that
the two results of addmul will already be evaluated.  The latter leaves
room for more optimisations.

Syntax issues
* In Haskell (,) is the pair constructor.  What should be use for 
  strict tuples?  (!,!) ?
* With strict tuples (! and !) would become some sort of 
  reserved/special symbol.  That interferes with bang patterns, as 
  (!x, y!) would be tokenized as (! x , y !).  We could use ( ... !) 
  for strict tuples to avoid that conflict, or just requires that the 
  user write ( !x, !y ) when they want a bang pattern.  (Just like you 
  cannot write `Just.x' to mean `Just . x' as the former will always be 
  read as a qualified name and not the application of function 

Bang patterns enable the programmer (among other things) to define
functions with strict arguments.  Strict tuples enable to define strict


PS: IIRC Clean supports strict tuples.

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