the dreaded offside rule

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at
Fri Mar 10 06:01:56 EST 2006

"Simon Marlow" <simonmar at> wrote:

> Here's another couple that just occurred to me:
>   f x | let y = x = y
>   f x = case x of _ | let y = x -> y
> granted these are unlikely to occur in practice.

Are these Haskell'98?  I'm afraid I don't understand how a let binding
(without "in") can occur in a guard for a function decl or case branch.
In Ben's examples, the vertical bar was not a guard, but the separator
in a comprehension (although he omitted to show the surrounding

    [ ... | let x, y :: T
              x = 3
              y = 4,
            ... ]

    [ ... | let x = 3, ... ]


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