Haskell-prime Digest, Vol 2, Issue 58
Axel Simon
A.Simon at kent.ac.uk
Fri Feb 24 06:05:19 EST 2006
On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 11:20 +0100, John Hughes wrote:
> From: "Claus Reinke" <claus.reinke at talk21.com>
> let's go through 5.2 "Export Lists" to see what would be missing
> if we tried to replace the export list with a separation of a module
> into a public (exported) and a private (local) part:
> ...
> any other issues I missed here?
> I feel unkeen.
> One of the nice things about Haskell is that definitions can appear in any order. That makes it possible to gather a group of logically related definitions together, within a module. With your proposal, exported definitions and non-exported ones would have to be separated.
I agree, I'd find it inconvenient, too. But what about a Jave/C++ like
approach where you sprinkle public and private declarations throughout?
main = ....
helper1 = ...
helper2 = ...
In particular you can have
public: A(C,D)
data A = A | B | C | D
which only exports the C and D constructors.
Furthermore, I'd like to propose to have a colon after public, private,
default, infixl, infixr, infix, which frees all these identifiers for
normal use as identifiers. There was a mail earlier on "Collection
Framework" with a complaint that 'default' is a keyword.
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