The worst piece of syntax in Haskell

Ashley Yakeley ashley at
Tue Feb 21 18:30:08 EST 2006

Josef Svenningsson wrote:

> This is one of the things that the Clean people got right. In Clean, my 
> examples from above would look like:
>  > class MonadPlus m | Monad m where ...
>  >
>  > class Ix a | Ord a where ..
>  >
>  > instance Eq (Ratio a) | Integral a where ...

Not quite the same complaint, but I've always been bothered by the 
inconsistent use of "=>". I would prefer "A => B" to mean "if A, then 
B". Accordingly:

   class Monad m <= MonadPlus m
   class Ord a <= Ix a
   instance Integral a => Eq (Ratio a)
   foo :: (Monad m) => [m a] -> m [a]

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