Parallel list comprehensions

John Meacham john at
Thu Feb 16 05:48:22 EST 2006

On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 10:20:25AM +0000, Ross Paterson wrote:
> Features do impact on people who never use them: when they make errors
> that stray near the syntactic and type-system space occupied by the
> feature, and when they read or modify code written by others.  As JohnH
> said, every addition increases the cost of the language, and needs to
> bring significant benefit to justify inclusion.

Oh, I didn't mean to imply the features wouldn't impact people that
didn't use them. Just that they might not necessarily not use the
feature because it is bad, or they wouldn't be happier with it, but
rather because they just havn't learned it. Not that I am saying
anything about parallel list comprehensions necessarily, but just in
general I would be wary of dropping a feature just on the basis of some
people not using it who have never tried it. not against dropping it,
just wary without some more investigation into finding out a bit more why
people don't use said feature. After all, they could just know a much
cooler feature that subsumes it that I havn't found yet :) 

> > Oh golly. I can't live without pattern guards.
> Yes, I knew my position was more extreme there.

perhaps mine is too :) but they are very nice.


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈

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