Restricted Data Types: A reformulation

John Meacham john at
Tue Feb 7 23:20:36 EST 2006

I'll give the full desugaring, perhaps that will make it more clear:

>  foo :: (Monad m) => m Int
>  foo = return id >>= (\i -> return (i 7))
>  fooSet :: Set Int
>  fooSet = foo

mkMonadDictSet :: EqDict a -> MonadDict Set
eqDictInt :: EqDict Int

return :: MoandDict m -> a -> m a

foo :: MonadDict m -> m Int
foo monadDict = (>>=) monadDict 
        (return monadDict id) 
        (\i -> return monadDict (i 7))

fooSet :: Set Int
fooSet = foo (mkMonadDictSet eqDictInt)


John Meacham - ⑆⑆john⑈

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