objective data on use of extensions

Isaac Jones ijones at syntaxpolice.org
Fri Feb 3 14:38:09 EST 2006

I would like to strive to find objective data on the use of
extensions.  I started a table here which summarizes how popular
extensions are in real-life code.  We need more data points, though.


I have a short program which queries the hackage database, gets some
details about all of the packages there, and summarizes them into a
table.  Right now, there really aren't that many packages on
HackageDB, but hopefully more will appear.

HackageDB is here:

You can upload packages with Cabal-Put, but it's pretty hackish right
now.  I put detailed installation instructions on the wiki:

A list of cabal packages that might be good for uploading is here:

The more packages we get into HackageDB, the more accurate objective
data we can build.  Let me know if you want to help!



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