Are pattern guards obsolete?

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at
Sun Dec 10 19:04:48 EST 2006

> Hello,
> recently I read about pattern guards which are a candidate for Haskell'.
> As I understand them, their purpose is to provide an easier way to write
> functions like (taken from the wiki, it does not run):
> clunky env var1 var1 = case lookup env var1 of
>   Nothing -> fail
>   Just val1 -> case lookup env var2 of
>     Nothing -> fail
>     Just val2 -> val1 + val2
> where
>   fail = var1 + var2
> Wouldn't
> > clunky :: Num a => [(a, a)] -> a -> a -> a
> > clunky env var1 var2 = case (lookup var1 env, lookup var2 env) of
> >         (Just v1, Just v2) -> v1 + v2
> >         _ -> var1 + var2
> be simple enough to make a syntax change superflous? It is so simple, that there
> is no need for `fail` in Haskell or Haskell' :)

There's been a previous discussion on this[1]. The joy of pattern guards
reveals once you have more conditions. Consider this real world example:

    clean_ s| Just _         <- no_io      `matchRegex`    s = "No IO allowed\n"
            | Just _         <- terminated `matchRegex`    s = "Terminated\n"
            | Just _         <- hput       `matchRegex`    s = "Terminated\n"
            | Just _         <- outofmem   `matchRegex`    s = "Terminated\n"
            | Just _         <- stack_o_f  `matchRegex`    s = "Stack overflow\n"
            | Just _         <- loop       `matchRegex`    s = "Loop\n"
            | Just _         <- undef      `matchRegex`    s = "Undefined\n"
            | Just _         <- type_sig   `matchRegex`    s = "Add a type signature\n"
            | Just (_,m,_,_) <- ambiguous  `matchRegexAll` s = m
            | Just (_,_,b,_) <- inaninst   `matchRegexAll` s = clean_ b
            | Just (_,_,b,_) <- irc        `matchRegexAll` s = clean_ b
            | Just (_,m,_,_) <- nomatch    `matchRegexAll` s = m
            | Just (_,m,_,_) <- notinscope `matchRegexAll` s = m
            | Just (_,m,_,_) <- hsplugins `matchRegexAll`  s = m
            | Just (a,_,_,_) <- columnnum `matchRegexAll`  s = a
            | Just (a,_,_,_) <- extraargs `matchRegexAll`  s = a
            | Just (_,_,b,_) <- filename' `matchRegexAll`  s = clean_ b
            | Just (a,_,b,_) <- filename  `matchRegexAll`  s = a ++ clean_ b
            | Just (a,_,b,_) <- filepath `matchRegexAll`   s = a ++ clean_ b
            | Just (a,_,b,_) <- runplugs  `matchRegexAll`  s = a ++ clean_ b
            | otherwise      = s

-- Don


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