map and fmap
Jeffrey Yasskin
jyasskin at
Sun Aug 20 17:10:43 EDT 2006
On 8/20/06, John Hughes <rjmh at> wrote:
> From: "Jon Fairbairn" <jon.fairbairn at>
> > To
> > reinforce what Aaron said, if a programme works now, it'll
> > still work if map suddenly means fmap.
> Well, this isn't quite true, is it? Here's an example:
> class Foldable f where
> fold :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> f a -> a
> instance Foldable [] where
> fold = foldr
> example = fold (+) 0 (map (+1) (return 2))
> example has the value 3 (of course), but if you replace map by fmap then the
> code no longer compiles.
There's a proposal that
mentions extending defaulting to other typeclasses. That seems to fix
this particular problem, but above you mentioned that this was "a
whole new can of worms." Could you elaborate or point me to a
discussion of the worms?
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