deeqSeq proposal

Andy Adams-Moran adams-moran at
Thu Apr 6 18:40:05 EDT 2006

Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> Andy Adams-Moran wrote:
>>> The only thing you can do with non-functions is put them in the sin bin:
>>>   deepSeq :: a -> IO ()
>> unsafeDeepSeq?
>> I guess we don't want to expand the unsafe* vocabulary for Haskell'
>> though ...
> What's wrong with
>     deepSeeqIO :: a -> IO ()
> ?
> Then you can use unsafePerformIO if you want
>     deepSeq :: a -> b -> b

Yes, quite right!  In the case of deepSeqIO, we do know precisely what
the safety condition is (as opposed to generic uses of unsafePerformIO
and its cousins), so maybe we want to call that out somehow.


Andy Adams-Moran                             Phone: 503.626.6616, x113
Galois Connections Inc.                              Fax: 503.350.0833
12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite #290      
Beaverton, OR 97005                             adams-moran at

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