[Haskell-i18n] SourceForge Project Active

Alastair Reid alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
01 Sep 2002 19:46:25 +0100

[trimmed recipient list]

> The long answer I won't go into in detail, but part of the problem
> is that being a fptools/libraries developer basically means having a
> GHC development environment.  That requires an investment which I'm
> personally not able to make at the moment.

Whilst I don't think it'll change your mind, there is a considerably
easier route to being a libraries developer: use Hugs.  Hugs is easy
to work with, we tend to avoid complex Makefiles, we don't have
umpteen different 'way's to build our libraries, recompiling is really
fast, etc.

Ross Paterson has been working away at making a lot of the new
hierarchial libraries work with Hugs; I've added support for the
latest ffi spec to Hugs; and Sigbjorn Finne has been plugging gaps in
Hugs' library support where Hugs-specific code is required.  The
result is that it is now quite feasible to use Hugs when working on
the hierarchial libraries.  [Of course, I'm talking about the CVS copy
of Hugs here - but this is little hardship since you'd certainly be
working with the CVS copy of the libraries.]

Some caveats:

1) This doesn't take away from Andrew's point about not wanting too
   much experimentation in the supposedly stable libraries.

2) Of course, Hugs doesn't have anything comparable to GHC's profiling
   infrastructure and a few other cool GHC support tools.

3) What I say is true for almost any library you want to develop.  Any
   library that is except Unicode - Hugs still only supports 8-bit
   Chars. :-(

Alastair Reid                 alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited  http://www.reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk/alastair/