[Haskell-fr] Fractional etc...

Dan Popa popavdan at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 5 14:01:55 EST 2007

The stoty of divison may continue:

The function may be named as an operator 
(///)::  ....

we can declare it's level of priority and how can it
may associate values: left associative and priority
level 7

infixl 7 ///

And the required operator is ready to be used.
Don't forget: Haskell allow the programmer to define
it's own operators, using 10 levels of priority, being
left, or right or no-associative. Also, data
constructors like : of the lists can be (re)defined as
you wish. Including their priority and associativity!

--- Chaddaï Fouché <chaddai.fouche at gmail.com> wrote:

> Le 30/10/07, Dupont
> Corentin<corentin.dupont at gmail.com> a écrit :
> >
> > There must be a way to divide a real by an
> integer??
> > My integer is eventually a "number of elements" as
> in the exemple of Dan.
> > How would you compute a mean then?
> >
> No, you can't "divide a real by an integer", but you
> can introduce the
> integer in the reals and divide by this.
> divideByI :: (Fractional a, Integral b) => a -> b ->
> a
> divideByI a b = a / fromIntegral b
> -- 
> Jedaï
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