[Haskell-community] Haskell.org committee proposals & GRC

Rebecca Skinner rebecca at rebeccaskinner.net
Fri Nov 13 17:10:20 UTC 2020

I'm voting:

Proposal 0001: Yes
Proposal 0002: Yes

On Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 4:00 PM Tikhon Jelvis <tikhon at jelv.is> wrote:

> I'm voting:
> Proposal 0001: Yes
> Proposal 0002: Yes
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 8:23 AM Jasper Van der Jeugt <m at jaspervdj.be>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The Haskell.org committee would like to adopt a new proposal format,
>> inspired by the GHC Steering Committee.  We have created a repository
>> with proposals here:
>>    https://github.com/haskell-org/committee
>> I would like to call the members of the committee to vote on these
>> proposals, but we also value community feedback.  The two proposals
>> are:
>>  -  0001: Establish the proposal process
>>     https://github.com/haskell-org/committee/pull/1
>>  -  0002: Adopt the GRC code of conduct
>>     https://github.com/haskell-org/committee/pull/2
>> For posterity and archival, I am including the full text of the
>> proposals here.  For the record, I am in favor of accepting both
>> proposals.
>> # Proposal 0001: Haskell.org proposals
>> In an effort to make the work of Haskell.org committee more
>> transparent, we would like to adopt a proposal process similar to the
>> [GHC Steering Committee].
>> The proposed process is fairly light:
>> 1.  New proposals are created as pull requests with a single file,
>>     following a `proposals/XYZW-some-title.extention` naming scheme.
>>     A template is available in `proposals/0000-template.md`.
>> 2.  Proposals must have an author set who is responsible for driving
>>     the discussion.  If the author is not a member of the Haskell.org
>>     committee, we may additionally appoint a shepherd from the
>>     committee to help with this.  It is the responsibility of the
>>     author and the shepherd to notify any communities that may be
>>     interested in the proposal, so we can gather community feedback.
>> 3.  The proposal must have a link to the PR discussion, so readers can
>>     easily find the full discussion once the PR is merged.
>> 4.  We strive to make unanimous decisions, but we can use a majority
>>     vote (the committee has an odd number of members) to move forward.
>> 5.  What happens next depends on whether or not the proposal is
>>     accepted:
>>      -  If the proposal is accepted, `date-accepted` is set and the
>>         proposal is merged into the repository.  A summary with a link
>>         to the full PR discussion is sent out to
>>         `community at haskell.org`.
>>      -  If the proposal is not accepted, the proposal is also merged
>>         for posterity, but a section is ammended to explain why it was
>>         rejected.
>> # Proposal 0002: Guidelines for Respectful Communication
>> The Haskell.org committee adopts the [Guidelines for Respectful
>> Communication][grc].
>> This applies only to members of the board, in in all our public
>> interactions in the Haskell sphere, including email, social media,
>> discussion forums, and so on.
>> We may later adopt a stricter Code of Conduct, or set a Code of
>> Conduct for platforms we manage (e.g. Discourse, mailing lists), but
>> that is out of scope for this proposal.
>> [grc]: https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/blob/master/GRC.rst
>> [GHC Steering Committee]: https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals
>> Warm regards
>> Jasper
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