[Haskell-community] Haskell.org Committee Financial Statement 2015

Gershom B gershomb at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 22:22:25 UTC 2016

Apologies, slight amendment to our closing balance due to a
mistranscription on my part (I had given our jan balance).

1. Income and Expenses
  Total income over 2014: 7751.46
  Total expenses over 2014: 892.03
  Net income over 2014: 6859.43

2. Total Balance
Balance as of 31 December 2014: 26,422.91
Balance as of 31 December 2015: 33,282.34


On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 3:25 PM, Gershom B <gershomb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Haskellers,
> The Haskell.org Committee [1] manages funds for haskell.org and
> oversees haskell.org infrastructure.
> The funds available to Haskell.org generally come from two sources: 1)
> Mentor payments from the Google Summer of Code program. 2) Since the
> end of 2013, occasional donations [2] from the Haskell community at
> large. Our funds are held by Software in the Public Interest, a
> 501(c)3 US non-profit, through which we also accept donations. In
> return for its services, SPI receives 5% of donations to Haskell.org.
> According to our charter, "Each year, the committee will post a
> statement of the haskell.org assets, and the transactions for that
> year."
> Included in this message is a brief statement of Haskell.org assets
> over the period 31 December 2014 - 31 December 2015. Note that our
> expenses are nearly entirely hosting, with a small overhead incurred
> by SPI and payment processing. The bulk of our income this year, over
> which we did minimal fundraising, is $7,000 in mentor payments from
> google summer of code 2014 (mentor payments for 2015 have not yet been
> received). Hosting fees are down from years past, as we have migrated
> more of our infrastructure away from Hetzner and to Rackspace, which
> donates to us free hosting.
> 1. Income and Expenses
>   Total income over 2014: 7751.46
>   Total expenses over 2014: 892.03
>   ----
>   Net income over 2014: 6859.43
> 3. Total Balance
> Balance as of 31 December 2014: 26,422.91
> Balance as of 31 December 2015: 33,547.34
> Note: As of December 2015, we have a moved a large chunk of our
> balance out of the SPI-held account and to a new account set up
> directly under the control of Haskell.Org, as Haskell.Org is now
> registered as a nonprofit 501(c)(3).
> [1] https://wiki.haskell.org/Haskell.org_committee
> [2] https://wiki.haskell.org/Donate_to_Haskell.org
> Best,
> Gershom Bazerman
> for the Haskell.org Committee

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