[Haskell-community] Haskell Platform as the default recommendation considered harmful

John Wiegley johnw at newartisans.com
Mon Sep 21 15:06:07 UTC 2015

>>>>> Christopher Allen <cma at bitemyapp.com> writes:

> 1. ghc-pkg
> 2. The global vs. user package databases
> 3. Cabal
> 4. What Platform does to their build environment

> New Haskell users are least equipped to understand errors caused by:

> 1. Package version conflicts
> 2. Something innate to their install, rather than something wrong with their
>    package constraints.

Unless I am mistaken, every one of these points relates to the usage of cabal
after installing the platform, rather than to the Platform itself?

Once Stack is in the platform, do you agree it will rectify every concern you
mentioned? If so, I'd rather not abandon the platform, only to be seen
re-adopting it after a few months.


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