[Haskell-cafe] PhD Scholarships in Quantum Computing

Venanzio Capretta venanzio at duplavis.xyz
Mon Jan 13 13:47:56 UTC 2025

PhD Scholarships
School of Computer Science
University of Nottingham

The School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham is 
advertising 10 fully-founded PhD studentships starting on 1 October 2025:

We are calling for good candidates to apply for a PhD project in Quantum 
The range of potential topics for the PhD project will be:
* Quantum Data Types and Algorithms;
* Applications of Quantum Computing to Artificial Immune System;
* Quantum Functional Programming Languages;
* Compilation of Higher-Order Quantum Code;
* Quantum computing in AI.
Expertise in any of this topics is welcome but not necessary. Applicants 
should have a good background in programming, data structures, discrete 

The application deadline is 6 April 2025.
Before applying you must agree with a potential supervisor and write a 
research project. So, if you intend to apply, please contact one of us 
as soon as possible:
Ulrik Buchholtz (ulrik.buchholtz at nottingham.ac.uk)
Venanzio Capretta (venanzio.capretta at nottingham.ac.uk)
Julie Greensmith (pszjg1 at exmail.nottingham.ac.uk)

Venanzio Capretta
School of Computer Science
University of Nottingham, UK

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