[Haskell-cafe] Configuring cabal to tell HPC to ignore certain functions
Ivan Perez
ivanperezdominguez at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 17:30:10 UTC 2024
Ryan -- thanks!
Café, GHC Devs -- is anyone actively working on HPC?
PS. Putting David Binder in CC since he seems to have been one of the most
active contributors as of lately.
On Thu, 24 Oct 2024 at 07:57, Ryan Scott <ryan.gl.scott at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Ivan,
> Short answer: I'm not aware of a way to automate the process of excluding certain definitions from cabal-generated HPC coverage reports.
> Long answer: there is a way to manually modify HPC coverage reports using the hpc overlay command. Sadly, most the existing documentation on this command [1] is pretty sparse, so the only way I was able to discover this was by reading the original HPC paper [2] (in that paper, `hpc overlay` is called `hpc-makemtix`) and by finding an example of how to use `hpc overlay` in GHC's test suite [3]. To translate that example into prose: suppose you have the following program (hpc001.hs):
> main = print (const "Hello" "World")
> Here, the expression "World" is never evaluated, so by default HPC will claim that there is no coverage for it. This is pretty silly, however, so we'd like to instruct HPC not to warn about "World". To do so, first compile the example above with coverage enabled and run it:
> $ ghc -fhpc hpc001.hs $ ./hpc001
> This should generate an hpc001.tix file. If you run `hpc markup hpc001.tix` and look at the resulting HTML report, you'll see that it warns about "World". Let's fix that. To do so, we have to define an HPC overlay file. The example given in GHC's test suite (sample_overlay.ovr) is:
> module "Main" {
> inside "main" {
> tick "\"World\"" on line 1;
> }
> }
> While I can't find a reference for the syntax that HPC overlay files use, this particular example is pretty self-explanatory: don't report about the expression "World" on line 1, which is found inside the `main` function in the `Main` module. In order to make use of this overlay file, we first have to convert it to a .tix file:
> $ hpc overlay sample_overlay.ovr > sample_overlay1.tix
> Then we have to combine it with our original .tix file:
> $ hpc combine hpc_sample.tix sample_overlay1.tix > total1.tix
> If we run `hpc markup total1.txt`, we now see that HPC no longer warns about "World", just as we'd hoped for.
> That is where my understanding of this feature ends, however. In particular, I'm not aware of a better way to generate overlay files (other than to write them by hand, which still feels somewhat laborious), and I'm not aware of any deeper integration with cabal so that these overlay files would be picked up and automatically applied (e.g., for reporting coverage on Hackage). Given that the HPC documentation for `hpc overlay` [1] labels this as an experimental feature, I'd be surprised if such tooling or integration existed. I agree that it would be cool if did, however.
> Best,
> Ryan
> -----
> [1] https://hpc-bin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hpc.html#hpc-overlay-and-hpc-draft
> [2] https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/1291201.1291203
> [3] https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/blob/e39c8c993c1da534c5893ca418d1fa4cbb9e0a0a/testsuite/tests/hpc/simple/tixs/test.T#L44-50
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