[Haskell-cafe] anyone using wxHaskell

Zoran Bošnjak zoran.bosnjak at via.si
Tue Oct 15 07:33:08 UTC 2024

Hi Ivan,
if you have nix, you could get the nix-shell environment from the actual 
project and copy over the sample file:

git clone https://github.com/zoranbosnjak/vcr.git
cd vcr
# wait for half of the internet to compile :)

# create test.hs sample either by copy-paste from the email below
# or from https://codeberg.org/wxHaskell/wxHaskell/issues/48

# once inside the nix shell, run the sample
runhaskell test.hs

I've never used docker for that purpose, but I will try to create it if 
you have any issues with the procedure above. Let me know.


On 2024-10-15 03:20, Ivan Perez wrote:
> Hi Zoran,
> wxhaskell refuses to compile with GHC 8.6.5 (or a more modern
> version). I have not tried anything prior to 8.6.5.
> The last update to https://hackage.haskell.org/package/wx was over 7
> years ago. The version of wxc on hackage won't compile with Cabal >=
> 2.2 because of a change to the signature of rawSystemStdInOut, which
> is needed during the configure step for the package. That's as far as
> I went; there could be other issues.
> If you are able to create a docker image that compiles everything
> inside and reproduces your error with the scrollbar, I can give it a
> try.
> There appears to have been an attempt at reviving the project:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/wxhaskell/bugs/, and people at Zurihac were
> working on it. I don't know what happened.
> Cheers,
> Ivan
> On Mon, 14 Oct 2024 at 09:31, Zoran Bošnjak <zoran.bosnjak at via.si>
> wrote:
>> Dear haskell cafe,
>> I have a problem with scrolledWindow inside notebook, when running
>> with
>> the latest version of wxHaskell. See the minimal example below,
>> where
>> the scrollbar is not shown (the same sample is OK on the wxHaskell
>> version from few years ago).
>> I would appreciate a suggestion how to make the scrollbar work again
>> (a
>> workaround if possible). I have also filed the issue on the
>> wxHaskell
>> project page. But the project does not look like being super
>> actively
>> maintained.
>> https://codeberg.org/wxHaskell/wxHaskell/issues/48
>> Minimal example:
>> module Main where
>> import Graphics.UI.WXCore
>> import Graphics.UI.WX
>> gui :: IO ()
>> gui = do
>> f <- frame [text := "Frame"]
>> p <- panel f []
>> nb <- notebook p []
>> p1 <- scrolledWindow nb
>> [ scrollRate := sz 20 20
>> ]
>> texts <- mapM (\n -> staticText p1 [text := ("test" <> show n)
>> ])
>> [1::Int ..20]
>> set f
>> [ layout := fill $ widget p
>> , clientSize := sz 400 200
>> ]
>> set p
>> [ layout := fill $ tabs nb
>> [ tab "tab1" $ container p1 $ column 5 (fmap widget
>> texts)
>> ]
>> ]
>> main :: IO ()
>> main = start gui
>> regards,
>> Zoran
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