[Haskell-cafe] attpoarsec and recursive parsing
PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Fri Nov 22 10:05:15 UTC 2024
Hello, I end up with this solution
in order to parse this data type.
If you have some advice in order to simplify or beautify the Parser part do not hesitate.
data MaskLocation = MaskLocation Text
| MaskLocation'Tmpl Text
| MaskLocation'Or MaskLocation MaskLocation
deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON)
instance FieldEmitter MaskLocation where
fieldEmitter (MaskLocation t) = t
fieldEmitter (MaskLocation'Tmpl t) = t
fieldEmitter (MaskLocation'Or l r) = fieldEmitter l <> " | " <> fieldEmitter r
instance FieldParsable MaskLocation where
fieldParser = do
let loc :: Text -> MaskLocation
loc t = if "{scannumber:" `Data.Text.isInfixOf` t
then MaskLocation'Tmpl (strip t)
else MaskLocation (strip t)
t <- takeTill (== '|')
if t == ""
then fail "MaskLocation is Empty"
else do mc <- peekChar
case mc of
Nothing -> pure $ loc t
Just '|' -> do
_ <- char '|' -- extract the '|' char
MaskLocation'Or (loc t) <$> fieldParser
Just c -> fail ("MaskLocation " <> [c])
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