[Haskell-cafe] PLMW at PLDI 2024: Call for Lightning Talks on Research Group Openings
Yao Li
liyao at pdx.edu
Tue May 21 19:49:34 UTC 2024
Hi All.
If you are attending PLDI this year, this might be of interest to you.
We are experimenting with new ways of networking at PLMW at PLDI’24 through
"Lightning talks on research group openings". If you have (or anticipate)
an open position, either in academia or industry, full-time or
part-time—you can now leverage PLMW to advertise that position. The
definition of the opening is to be interpreted broadly.
Towards this end, we would like to invite lightning talks describing the
opportunities in your groups. At this point, we expect the talk to be
anywhere between 5 to 10mins. Depending on the space, we may tighten the
time to just 5mins closer to the program.
Please fill this form <https://forms.gle/uHBQwzAmBR2GXLv29> by *June 5th*
if you are interested. Note that the talks are in-person. The event is on *June
24, 2024*.
You can check out https://pldi24.sigplan.org/track/PLMW-PLDI-2024 for more
details on the PLMW program.
Anitha Gollamudi
Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell.
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