[Haskell-cafe] POPL 2025: First Call for Papers (deadline: July 11 AOE)

Ningning Xie xnningxie at gmail.com
Mon May 20 16:04:07 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Please find below the Call for Papers for the POPL 2025 conference. We
would be grateful if you could help distribute this call among your

Many thanks!

Ningning Xie
POPL 2025 Publicity Chair

PACMPL Issue POPL 2025 seeks contributions on all aspects of programming
languages and programming systems, both theoretical and practical. Authors
of papers published in PACMPL Issue POPL 2025 will be invited to present
their work in the POPL conference in January 2025, which is sponsored by
ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGACT and ACM SIGLOG.

POPL 2025 Website: https://conf.researchr.org/home/POPL-2025

Call for Papers:

Double-Blind Review FAQ:

### Organization

Conference Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Conference Dates: January 19-25, 2025

General Chair: Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania

Program Chair: Armando Solar-Lezama, MIT

Program Committee:

### Important Dates

All the times/deadlines below are Anywhere on Earth (AoE) in 2024.

Submission deadline: July 11

### Scope

Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) is a forum for the discussion of
all aspects of programming languages and programming systems. Both
theoretical and experimental papers are welcome, on topics ranging from
formal frameworks to experience reports. We seek submissions that make
principled, enduring contributions to the theory, design, understanding,
implementation, or application of programming languages.

### Evaluation Criteria

The Review Committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each
submission as well as its accessibility to both experts and the general
POPL audience. All papers will be judged on significance, originality,
relevance, correctness, and clarity. Each paper must explain its scientific
contribution in both general and technical terms, identifying what has been
accomplished, explaining why it is significant, and comparing it with
previous work. Advice on writing technical papers can be found on the
SIGPLAN author information page: https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/.

Deadlines and formatting requirements, detailed below, will be strictly

### Double-Blind Reviewing Process

POPL 2025 will use a full double-blind reviewing process (similar to the
one used for POPL 2023 and 2024 but different from the lightweight
double-blind process used in previous years). This means that identities of
authors will not be made visible to reviewers until after
conditional-acceptance decisions have been made, and then only for the
conditionally-accepted papers. The use of full double-blind reviewing has
several consequences for authors.

* **Submissions**: Authors must omit their names and institutions from
their paper submissions. In addition, references to authors’ own prior work
should be in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our previous work …”
but rather “We build on the work of …”).

* **Supplementary material**: Authors are permitted to provide
supplementary material (e.g., detailed proofs, proof scripts, system
implementations, or experimental data) along with their submission, which
reviewers may (but are not required to) examine. This material may take the
form of a single file, such as a PDF or a tarball. Authors must fully
anonymize any supplementary material.

* **Author response**: In responding to reviews, authors should not say
anything that reveals their identity, since author identities will not be
revealed to reviewers at that stage of the reviewing process.

* **Dissemination of work under submission**: Authors are welcome to
disseminate their ideas and post draft versions of their paper(s) on their
personal website, institutional repository, or arXiv (reviewers will be
asked to turn off arXiv notifications during the review period). But
authors should not take steps that would almost certainly reveal their
identities to members of the Program Committee, e.g., directly contacting
PC members or publicizing the work on widely-visible social media or major
mailing lists used by the community.

The purpose of the above restrictions is to help the Program Committee and
external reviewers come to a judgment about the paper without bias, not to
make it impossible for them to discover the authors’ identities if they
were to try. In particular, nothing should be done in the name of anonymity
that weakens the quality of the submission.

However, there are occasionally cases where adhering to the above
restrictions is truly difficult or impossible for one reason or another. In
such cases, the authors should contact the Program Chair to discuss the
situation and how to handle it.

The FAQ on Double-Blind Reviewing addresses many common scenarios and
answers many common questions about this topic. But there remain many grey
areas and trade-offs. If you have any doubts about how to interpret the
double-blind rules or you encounter a complex case that is not clearly
covered by the FAQ, please contact the Program Chair for guidance.

### Evaluation Process

Like last year, POPL 2025 will use a double-blind reviewing process
(instead of the lightweight double-blind process used in recent years).
This means that identities of authors will not be visible to reviewers
until after conditional-acceptance decisions have been made. For authors,
the main change is that there is no option to upload non-anonymized
supplementary material; only anonymized supplementary material may be

POPL 2025 will have five Associate Chairs who will help the PC Chair
monitor reviews, solicit external expert reviews for submissions when there
is not enough expertise on the committee, and facilitate reviewer

As in previous years, authors will have a multi-day period to respond to
reviews, as indicated in the Important Dates table. Responses are optional.
A response must be concise, addressing specific points raised in the
reviews; in particular, it must not introduce new technical results.
Reviewers will write a short reaction to these author responses.

The Review Committee (RC) will discuss papers electronically, and will use
synchronous virtual meetings to discuss any papers for which there is
disagreement among reviewers, in some cases soliciting additional input
from other experts in the committee. There is no formal External Review
Committee, though experts outside the committee may be consulted for some
papers. Reviews will be accompanied by a short summary of the reasons
behind the committee’s decision with the goal of clarifying the reasons
behind the decision.

To conform with ACM requirements for journal publication, all POPL papers
will be conditionally accepted; authors will be required to submit a short
description of the changes made to the final version of the paper,
including how the changes address any requirements imposed by the Review
Committee. That the changes are sufficient will be confirmed by the
original reviewers prior to acceptance to POPL. Authors of conditionally
accepted papers must submit a satisfactory revision to the Review Committee
by the requested deadline or risk rejection.

For additional information about the reviewing process, see: [Principles of
POPL](https://www.sigplan.org/Conferences/POPL/Principles/), a presentation
of the underlying organizational and reviewing policies for POPL. For POPL
2025, policies specified in this Call for Papers supersede those in the
Principles of POPL document.

### Submission Site Information

The submission site is https://popl25.hotcrp.com.

Authors can submit multiple times prior to the deadline. Only the last
submission will be reviewed. There is no abstract deadline. The submission
site requires entering author names and affiliations, relevant topics, and
potential conflicts. Addition or removal of authors after the submission
deadline will need to be approved by the Program Chair (as this kind of
change potentially undermines the goal of eliminating conflicts during
paper assignment).

The submission deadline is 11:59PM July 11, 2024 anywhere on earth:

### Conflicts of Interest

For each submission, the authors must make sure that they properly declare
all potential conflicts of interest for all of the authors of that
submission. This includes marking PC conflicts as well as “Other Conflicts
(external)”. A conflict caught late in the reviewing process leads to a
voided review which may be infeasible to replace.

Conflicts should be declared between an adviser and an advisee (e.g.,
Ph.D., post-doc; forever), between an author and a co-author (papers and
proposals; for two years), between people at the same institution (branches
of large companies or different locations of research institutes are
considered to be the same institution; for two years after leaving an
institution), between people with financial conflicts of interest, and
between friends or relatives.

Please do not declare spurious conflicts: such incorrect conflicts are
especially harmful if the aim is to exclude potential reviewers, so
spurious conflicts can be grounds for rejection. If you are unsure about a
conflict, please consult the Program Chair.

### Submission Guidelines

Prior to the paper submission deadline, authors should upload their full
anonymized paper. Here are some key requirements concerning paper

* Each paper should have no more than **25 pages of text, excluding
bibliography**, using the PACMPL format (specifically, the `acmart` LaTeX
class with `acmsmall` option). It is a single-column page layout with a 10
pt font, 12 pt line spacing, and wider margins than recent POPL page
layouts. In this format, the main text block is 5.478 in (13.91 cm) wide
and 7.884 in (20.03 cm) tall. Use of a different format (e.g., smaller
fonts or a larger text block) is grounds for summary rejection. The PACMPL
template for LaTeX can be found at the [SIGPLAN author information page](
https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/), and further information about
PACMPL submissions can be found on the [PACMPL author guidelines page](
https://dl.acm.org/journal/pacmpl/author-guidelines). PACMPL does not
support submissions in Microsoft Word.

* We strongly encourage use of the `review` and `screen` options in order
to make submissions easier to review.

* (**NEW this year**) Authors may choose which citation format they wish to
use, which can be either author-year (the mandate for final versions in
previous years) or numeric.

* Submissions should be in PDF and printable on both US Letter and A4
paper. Papers may be resubmitted to the submission site multiple times up
until the deadline, but the last version submitted before the deadline will
be the version reviewed.

* Submitted papers must adhere to the [SIGPLAN Republication Policy](
https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication/) and the [ACM
Policy on Plagiarism](
https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism-overview). Concurrent
paper submissions to other conferences, workshops, journals, or similar
forums of publication are not allowed.

* Authors are free to submit supplementary material along with their
submissions, but it must be fully anonymized.

* Authors must list all their conflicts of interest (both PC conflicts and
external conflicts) in the HotCRP submission form.

* Authors may include additional information in a field of the HotCRP
submission form labeled "Confidential Comments for the Program Chair". This
information need not be anonymized. It can be used to inform the Program
Chair, for example, about sensitive issues concerning a conflict with a PC
member or about supplementary material that cannot be anonymized. It is
left to the discretion of the Program Chair what to do with this

* If for some reason an author feels uncomfortable discussing a sensitive
issue with the Program Chair (or communicating via the "Confidential
Comments" field in HotCRP), they should feel free to get in touch instead
with any of the Associate Chairs, with whom they can discuss the issue in

* Submissions from PC members (except the Program Chair) are permitted and
will not be handled any differently than other submissions. This is in
accordance with a recent change in policy approved by the SIGPLAN Executive
Committee: SIGPLAN conferences that use full double-blind review and whose
PCs have at least 50 members need not hold PC submissions to a higher

### Artifact Evaluation for Accepted Papers

Authors of conditionally accepted papers will be invited to formally submit
supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation process. Artifact
Evaluation is run by a separate committee whose task is to assess how the
artifacts support the work described in the papers. Artifact submission is
strongly encouraged but voluntary and will not influence the final decision
regarding the papers. Papers that go through the Artifact Evaluation
process successfully will receive a seal of approval printed on the papers
themselves. Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to make these
materials publicly available upon publication of the proceedings, by
including them as “source materials” in the ACM Digital Library.

### Copyright, Publication, and Presentation

As a Gold Open Access journal, PACMPL is committed to making peer-reviewed
scientific research free of restrictions on both access and (re-)use.
Authors are strongly encouraged to support libre open access by licensing
their work with the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which grants
readers liberal (re-)use rights.

Authors of accepted papers will be required to choose one of the following
publication rights:

* Author licenses the work with a [Creative Commons license](
https://creativecommons.org/), retains copyright, and (implicitly) grants
ACM non-exclusive permission to publish (suggested choice).
* Author retains copyright of the work and grants ACM a non-exclusive
permission to publish license.
* Author retains copyright of the work and grants ACM an exclusive
permission to publish license.
* Author transfers copyright of the work to ACM.

These choices follow from ACM Copyright Policy and ACM Author Rights,
corresponding to ACM's "author pays" option. While PACMPL may ask authors
who have funding for open-access fees to voluntarily cover the article
processing charge (currently, US$400), payment is not required for
publication. PACMPL and SIGPLAN continue to explore the best models for
funding open access, focusing on approaches that are sustainable in the
long-term while reducing short-term risk.

All papers will be archived by the ACM Digital Library. Authors will have
the option of including supplementary material with their paper. The
official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in
the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the
first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the
deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Authors of accepted papers are required to give a short talk (roughly 25
minutes long) at the conference, according to the conference schedule.
However, authors who cannot attend in person will be provided with some
option for remote presentation, as well as some mechanism for remote
interaction with conference participants.

### Distinguished Paper Awards

At most 10% of the accepted papers of POPL 2025 will be designated as
Distinguished Papers. This award highlights papers that the Review
Committee thinks should be read by a broad audience due to their relevance,
originality, significance, and clarity. The selection of the distinguished
papers will be made based on the final version of the paper and through an
additional review process.
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