[Haskell-cafe] Issue building with ghc-9.8.2 and packages unix, directory, filepath and os-string

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Sat Jun 1 15:11:17 UTC 2024

On Sat, 1 Jun 2024, Daniel Trstenjak wrote:

> Looking at the compile error of the unix package, it looks like it gets 
> the wrong combination of filepath and os-string packages, resulting in 
> the missing symbols. This depends on the os-string flag, either the unix 
> package gets the older filepath package containing these symbols or the 
> newer one without them and additionally the os-string package now 
> containing the symbols.
> This handling with the os-string flag feels wrong to me and therefore 
> cabal can‘t resolve the right dependencies.

It would work, but --allow-newer ignores upper version bounds and thus can 
choose old filepath with new os-string.

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