[Haskell-cafe] Call for Participation, Functional Software Architecture (Sep 6, Milan)

Michael Sperber sperber at deinprogramm.de
Mon Jul 29 09:17:09 UTC 2024



		  The Second ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
	 Functional Software Architecture - FP in the Large

	       6th September 2024, Milan, Italy
		      Co-located with ICFP 2024




The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional Software Architecture - FP
in the Large aims to disseminate and enable the use of functional
programming in the large and long-lived software projects.

We specifically want:

- To assemble a community interested in software architecture
  techniques and technologies specific to functional programming;

- To identify, categorize, and document topics relevant to
  the field of functional software architecture;

- To connect the functional programming community to the software
  architecture community to cross-pollinate between the two.

We'd love for you to be part of this effort.  Whatever your
background, you're welcome at FUNARCH - to listen to talks, report
on your experience, and interact with others that share our goals.

See you at FUNARCH!


You can register for the workshop via the registration page for
the ICFP conference, but there's no need to also register for
the conference.  Reduced fees are available until 5th August.


Architecting Functional Programs
Marco Sampellegrini


F3: A Compiler For Feature Engineering
Weixi Ma, Arnaud Venet, Junhua Gu, Subbu Subramanian, Siyu Wang, Rocky Liu (Meta)
Daniel Friedman, Yafei Yang (Indiana University)

Design and implementation of a verified interpreter for additive manufacturing programs
Matthew Sottile, Mohit Tekriwal (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Applying Continuous Formal Methods to Cardano
James Chapman, Arnaud Bailly, Polina Vinogradova (IOHK)

Continuations: what have they ever done for us?
Marc Kaufmann (Austriae Central European University), Bogdan Popa

Bidirectional Data Transformations
Marcus Crestani, Markus Schlegel, Marco Schneider (Active Group)


Mike Sperber (Active Group, Germany)
Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)


Annette Bieniusa (University of Kaiserslautern)
Jeffrey Young (IOG)
Will Crichton (Brown University)
Isabella Stilkerich (Schaeffler Technologies AG)
Kiko Fernandez-Reyes (Ericsson)
Ryan Scott (Galois)
Satnam Singh (Groq)
Facundo Dominguez (Tweag)
Ilya Sergey (University of Singapore)
Martin Elsman (University of Copenhagen)
Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
Matthew Flatt (University of Utah)
Nada Amin (Harvard University)
Richard Eisenberg (Jane Street)


The workshop will be co-located with the ICFP 2024 conference at
the Milano Convention Centre, Milan, Italy.


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