[Haskell-cafe] restore type from existential
Georgi Lyubenov
godzbanebane at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 11:57:52 UTC 2024
Hi Zoran,
No, with your given Wrap data type, it would not be possible.
The moment you only constraint `t` to be `forall` bound in `WrapUnsafe`
and have not other properties, there's really no way to get it out
without using `unsafeCoerce`.
There are many approaches to achieve being able to "recover" what `t` is.
One idea would be to add a list type parameter `ts` to `Wrap` and a
constraint to `WrapUnsafe` which says "t is the type at index n in the
list ts", i.e. something like
type family Index n ts where
Index 0 (t ': _) = t
-- might need your own definition of Nat for the next case
Index (1 + n) (_ ': ts) = Index n ts
data Wrap ts where
MkWrap :: SNat n -> Index n ts -> Wrap ts
Another (which I personally think is cleaner) would be to entirely skip
the `SNat`s and use an "membership proof" instead, i.e. something like
data Elem (x :: t) (xs :: [t]) where
Here :: Elem x (x ': xs)
There :: Elem x xs -> Elem x (y ': xs)
You could then have
data Wrap ts where
MkWrap :: Elem t ts -> t -> Wrap ts
t1, t2, t3 :: Wrap MyTypes
t1 = MkWrap Here ()
t2 = MkWrap (There Here) 'x'
t3 = MkWrap (There (There Here)) 1
You could then also try to automate the membership proof generation via
type classes.
If you're going the unsafe approach and going to be `unsafeCoerce`ing,
you could also just as well drop the `SNat` and use a raw `Int` instead,
because you're the one who's going to be taking care not to
`unsafeCoerce` the wrong thing anyways.
On 1/10/24 12:25, zoran.bosnjak at via.si wrote:
> Dear haskellers,
> if for example I have the following (simplified) situation:
> import GHC.TypeLits
> type MyTypes =
> '[ () -- index 0
> , Char -- index 1
> , Int -- index 2
> ]
> data SNat (n :: Nat) where
> SZ :: SNat 0
> SS :: SNat n -> SNat (n+1)
> data Wrap where
> WrapUnsafe :: SNat n -> t -> Wrap
> t1 = WrapUnsafe SZ () :: Wrap
> t2 = WrapUnsafe (SS SZ) 'x' :: Wrap
> t3 = WrapUnsafe (SS (SS SZ)) (1::Int) :: Wrap
> Is it possible to have an 'unwrap' function? That is: to combine
> MyType types table and the type index... to get the exact type back.
> Something in the form:
> unwrapUnsafe :: Wrap -> t
> unwrapUnsafe (WrapUnsafe (ix::SNat n) (val::t)) = undefined
> x1 = unwrapUnsafe t1
> x2 = unwrapUnsafe t2
> x3 = unwrapUnsafe t3
> GHC didn't like any of my attempt. Is it even possible?
> regards,
> Zoran
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