[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] Dunai 0.13.1, dunai-test 0.13.1 and bearriver 0.14.10

Ivan Perez ivanperezdominguez at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 04:46:16 UTC 2024

Dear all,

I'm really excited to announce the release of Dunai 0.13.1 and
Bearriver 0.14.10!

Dunai is a reactive programming library structured around a notion of
Monadic Stream Functions. Dunai can be used to implement other reactive
and FRP frameworks on top, including Classic FRP and Arrowized FRP

Dunai comes with:

- bearriver: API-compatible implementation of Yampa. (The Bear River is
  a tributary to the Yampa river.)

- dunai-test: QuickCheck-based temporal testing library that can be
  connected with the testing system haskell-titan.

See https://github.com/ivanperez-keera/dunai#features for details on
Dunai's features.

This release fixes an issue with the dependency on the list-transformer
library as an alternative to transformers. Thanks to @ tomsmeding for
the contribution.

This release also provides a matching FRP.BearRiver.Integration,
FRP.BearRiver.Random, FRP.BearRiver.Task and FRP.BearRiver.Simulation
(akin to Yampa's), including the new Yampa combinator
trapezoidIntegral. This last combinator was copied almost verbatim from
Yampa, and I want to thank @idontgetoutmuch , @miguel-negrao and
@thalerjonathan once again for the discussion and for contributing
several alternative implementations. We are now just one module away
from being able to provide 100% match in bearriver for all definitions
in Yampa.

Special thanks go to Johannes Riecken (@johannes-riecken on github) for
a regular contribution to support the dunai and Yampa projects.

As always, dunai, dunai-test and bearriver are released in sync. For
details, see:

- https://github.com/ivanperez-keera/dunai/releases/tag/v0.13.1


You can explore the current versions at:
- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dunai
- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dunai-test
- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/bearriver


The github repo is located at: https://github.com/ivanperez-keera/dunai

*What's coming*

This release comes exactly 2 months after the last release. The next
release is planned for Oct 21, 2024.

There are several issues open that you can contribute to:


Following our roadmap, the pending changes remain as follows:

- Match all definitions from FRP.Yampa.Switches.

- Use new performance evaluation features of Yampa to improve
  performance of both Yampa and dunai.

- Create new examples that demonstrate the features of dunai and


Our project is now seeking donations to help continue developing dunai,
create new open source libraries, new material, and give talks.

No donation is too small. Any contribution will absolutely help.

See https://github.com/sponsors/ivanperez-keera for details.

If you can help, please come forward.

All the best,

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