[Haskell-cafe] Teach me to cooperate with IOException
Folsk Pratima
folsk0pratima at cock.li
Tue Apr 16 10:49:00 UTC 2024
Consider following C code.
syscall_that_fails (int *errno_here)
*errno_here = 2;
return -1;
Now I write the haskell wrapper, first without any error checking.
module Complex where
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable
foreign import ccall unsafe "complex.c syscall_that_fails" c_syscall_that_fails :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
sysCall :: Int -> IO ()
sysCall i =
allocaBytes (sizeOf (0 :: CInt)) $ \ptr ->
c_syscall_that_fails ptr >> return ()
Now I want to introduce some actual error checking, so at first I
simply do
module Complex where
import Control.Exception
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable
foreign import ccall unsafe "complex.c syscall_that_fails" c_syscall_that_fails
:: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
sysCall :: Int -> IO ()
sysCall i =
allocaBytes (sizeOf (0 :: CInt)) $ \ptr -> do
st <- c_syscall_that_fails ptr
errno <- peekElemOff ptr 0
case st of
(-1) -> throwIO $ userError $ "syscall: " ++ show errno
_ -> return ()
Now, I do not think it is a "user error", it is a real system call
error that might or might not be already covered by System.IO.Error. In
my case errno is 2, it is "No such file or directory", so it is covered
by System.IO.Error and I may just use the library. But my C code may
call whatever! What if System.IO does not cover that range of `errno`s?
What if I want to distinguish between *my* errors and system errors? In
such case I have to introduce my own way to do it.
How do I do it? My first wild guess is to introduce my own exception,
like this.
module Complex where
import Control.Exception
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable
data CException =
{ cexeption_errno :: Int
, cexception_caller :: String
instance Show CException where
show (LocalCallFailed errno caller) = caller ++ ": " ++ show errno
instance Exception CException
foreign import ccall unsafe "complex.c syscall_that_fails" c_syscall_that_fails
:: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
sysCall :: Int -> IO ()
sysCall i =
allocaBytes (sizeOf (0 :: CInt)) $ \ptr -> do
st <- c_syscall_that_fails ptr
errno <- peekElemOff ptr 0
case st of
(-1) -> throwIO . LocalCallFailed (fromIntegral errno) $ "syscall"
_ -> return ()
And now I ask myself, what if allocaBytes fails? I looked on its code
and it does ioError, thus, it will throwIO. If then I need to invoke
sysCall, I can not use `try` anymore, because it is not determined what
I will catch, LocalCallFailed or IOException.
Next, what if I extend the `case of` clause to include some other
errors, that are not related to system calls, but are my own?
I try to recover, but can not come up with anything better than this...
module Complex where
import Control.Exception
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable
data CException
= LocalCallFailed
{ cexeption_errno :: Int
, cexception_caller :: String
| GenericIOException
{ genericioexception :: IOException
instance Show CException where
show (LocalCallFailed errno caller) = caller ++ ": " ++ show errno
show (GenericIOException e) = displayException e
instance Exception CException
ioExceptionToMe :: IO (Either IOException a) -> IO a
ioExceptionToMe action = do
e0 <- action
case e0 of
Left e -> throwIO . GenericIOException $ e
Right a -> return a
tryIO :: IO a -> IO a
tryIO action = ioExceptionToMe $ try action
foreign import ccall unsafe "complex.c syscall_that_fails" c_syscall_that_fails
:: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
sysCall :: Int -> IO ()
sysCall i =
tryIO $
allocaBytes (sizeOf (0 :: CInt)) $ \ptr -> do
st <- c_syscall_that_fails ptr
errno <- tryIO $ peekElemOff ptr 0
case st of
(-1) -> throwIO . LocalCallFailed (fromIntegral errno) $ "syscall"
_ -> return ()
Now, this seems to be easily extendable. I can change LocalCallFailed
to LocalSyscallFailed and then add something like LocalOwnFailed, which
would account for some C error that is not attributed to system calls,
and so on.
But still, it seems very dumb, because of how I use tryIO. I have to
use it on literally every haskell provided IO and... It just does not
seem right.
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