[Haskell-cafe] Munich Haskell Meeting, 2023-10-31 @ 19:30

fran f.occhipinti at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 19:19:57 UTC 2023

Nice! Of course, like most participants to this mailing list, i don't 
live in Munich and i would not take a flight to participate to a meetup 
so... where is the link to follow the event remotely?

On 28.10.23 20:56, Leah Neukirchen wrote:
> Dear all,
> Next week, our monthly Munich Haskell Meeting will take place again on
> Tuesday, October 31 at Iveria (Lindwurmstraße 159A) at 19h30.
> For details see here:
> http://muenchen.haskell.bayern/dates.html
> If you plan to join, please add yourself to this nuudel so we can
> reserve enough seats!  It is OK to add yourself to the nuudel
> anonymously or pseudonymously.
> https://nuudel.digitalcourage.de/7ST4pxNRVj3rGLdO
> Everybody is welcome!
> cu,
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