[Haskell-cafe] Strange quirk with {} syntax?

J. Reinders jaro.reinders at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 13:58:28 UTC 2023

I’ve known it for a while and use it now and then.

There are quite a few packages on Hackage that use it:


> On 30 Nov 2023, at 14:46, Noon van der Silk <noonsilk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Sometimes I have a type like:
>     data A = A1 Int | A2 Int Int
> Then if I want to do pattern matching and ignore the parameters I do:
>     f (A1 _) = ..
>     f (A2 _ _) = ...
> But that's annoying; I need to remember how many parameters each one has!
> Yesterday I learned I can just do this:
>     f A1 {} = ...
>     f A2 {} = ...
> And GHC is happy.
> Is this expected? Am I the last to learn about this trick?
> -- 
> Noon van der Silk, ن
> http://silky.github.io/
> "My programming language is kindness."
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