[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Usage

Jared Tobin jared at jtobin.io
Wed Nov 15 04:08:55 UTC 2023

On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 09:27:57PM +0000, Henrique Caldeira wrote:
> Good Evening from Portugal,
> I write to you about the usage of Haskell because I had a professor
> recommending me Erlang instead because Haskell was "more for academic
> purposes", which left me wondering if all my time spent was spent only
> for curiosity sake.
> I want to know how true my professor's statement is.

Your professor's opinion feels very far out of date to me. Perhaps it
was true many years ago, but I've used Haskell professionally at four
companies over the past decade without ever really having "looked for
a Haskell job," and Haskell would be my top choice for any number of
commercial projects.

-- jared
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