[Haskell-cafe] Haskell Usage

MigMit migmit at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 22:24:00 UTC 2023

Depends on what you really want.

Erlang, in my experience, is not a functional language at all. There is a thin veneer of functionality, true, but mostly it's an object-oriented language, Smalltalk-style. They say "process" instead of "object", but it's basically the same thing.

If you want a language that is significantly more functional (although still not really), and also quite practical and popular in the industry, you can try Scala. Especially Scala 3, which seems to have fixed quite a lot of grievances, in particular those related to Odersky not really understanding math. Additionally, in Scala world you have Akka, which is modelled after Erlang's multithreading model, so you don't really lose anything important.

> On 14 Nov 2023, at 22:27, Henrique Caldeira <h.caldeira at ua.pt> wrote:
> Good Evening from Portugal, 
> I write to you about the usage of Haskell because I had a professor recommending me Erlang instead because Haskell was "more for academic purposes", which left me wondering if all my time spent was spent only for curiosity sake. 
> I want to know how true my professor's statement is. 
> I am very passionate about Haskell, although I admit the ecosystem can be confusing sometimes (for example, when to use cabal or stack, which versions of packages to use in order to avoid conflicts, or simply installing them through nixos or arch can be a learning process). 
> Would love to hear your thoughts about all of this and thank you with all my heart. 
> Lastly, all these wonderings are asked in a curious, "wanting to learn more" mindset. 
> Kind regards, 
> Henrique Caldeira 
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