[Haskell-cafe] Basic list exercise
Todd Wilson
twilson at csufresno.edu
Sun Mar 26 23:24:09 UTC 2023
Thanks, Viktor, for that information, especially the macro for getting
Haskel core output at the end, which I will try to use in the future and
perhaps avoid having to query this list to get such answers! I have a few
follow-up questions on this code, however:
On Sun, Mar 26, 2023 at 12:07 PM Viktor Dukhovni <ietf-dane at dukhovni.org>
> I don't know whether looking at the GHC-generated "Core" for your
> implementation will answer any of your questions, but here it is:
> Haskell:
> runs (x:xs) = let (ys, zs) = run x xs in (x:ys) : runs zs
> where
> run x [] = ([], [])
> run x (y:ys) = if x <= y
> then let (us, vs) = run y ys
> in (y:us, vs)
> else ([], y:ys)
> Core (with some added comments):
> -- Unpack the "Ord" dictionary to extract just the required "<="
> -- function and call the "$wruns" worker ("ww3" is "<=", and "ds"
> -- is the list to be transformed:
> --
> runs :: forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [[a]]
> runs
> = \ (@a) ($dOrd :: Ord a) (ds :: [a]) ->
> case $dOrd of { C:Ord ww ww1 ww2 ww3 ww4 ww5 ww6 ww7 ->
> $wruns ww3 ds
> }
> Rec {
> $wruns :: forall {a}. (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
> $wruns
> = \ (@a) (ww :: a -> a -> Bool) (ds :: [a]) ->
> case ds of {
> [] -> []; -- runs [] = []
> : x xs -> -- runs (x:xs) = let (ys, zs) = run x xs
> in (x:ys) : runs zs
> let {
> ds1 :: ([a], [a]) -- A lazily evaluated thunk for (run x
> xs)
> ds1
> = letrec {
> -- Internal recursion in "run" returns strict
> unboxed pairs
> -- (on the stack) avoiding heap or thunk allocation
> for the tuple.
> $wrun :: a -> [a] -> (# [a], [a] #)
> $wrun
> = \ (x1 :: a) (ds2 :: [a]) ->
> case ds2 of wild1 { -- (y:ys) is
> "wild1"
> [] -> (# [], [] #); -- run x [] = ([],
> [])
> : y ys ->
> case ww x1 y of { -- x <= y ?
> False -> (# [], wild1 #); -- else ([],
> y:ys)
> True -> -- then let
> (us, vs) = run y ys in (y:us, vs)
> let {
> ds3 :: ([a], [a]) -- A "thunk"
> for (run y ys) evaluated lazily
Why doesn't ds3 have an explicitly unboxed pair type, and does that have
any performance implications? For example, ...
> ds3 = case $wrun y ys of { (# ww1,
> ww2 #) -> (ww1, ww2) } } in
> (# : y (case ds3 of { (us, vs) -> us
> }),
> case ds3 of { (us, vs) -> vs } #)
Granted I'm not that familiar with core, but It sure looks like this code
breaks apart pairs (with the equivalent of fst and snd) and rebuilds them
> }
> }; } in
> case $wrun x xs of { (# ww1, ww2 #) -> (ww1, ww2) } }
> in
> : (: x (case ds1 of { (ys, zs) -> ys }))
> (case ds1 of { (ys, zs) -> $wruns ww zs })
> }
> end Rec }
> So for a non-empty cons-cell (: x ...) the result is a new cons cell:
> : (x : (fst ds1)) (runs (snd ds1))
> --------- --------------
> in which both underline parts are computed lazily (on demand) from the
> thunk "ds1":
> λ> head $ head $ runs $ 42 : undefined
> 42
> When we do want the successor of the first element, we look no futher
> than necessary:
> λ> head $ runs $ 42 : 0 : undefined
> [42]
> λ> take 2 $ head $ runs $ 42 : 43 : undefined
> [42,43]
> Does this help?
Yes, it does, thanks, although I was aware of this aspect of the laziness
of my code from the beginning and was concerned more with how the output
lists were built.
> FWIW, the (simplified) Core output was generated via:
> hscore() {
> ghc -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-idinfo -dsuppress-coercions
> -dsuppress-type-applications -dsuppress-uniques -dsuppress-module-prefixes
> "$@"
> }
> hscore -O2 Runs.hs > Runs.core
Thanks again for this, it will be helpful going forward.
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