[Haskell-cafe] Call for Talks: Haskell Implementors' Workshop 2023 (deadline extension)

Ryan Scott ryan.gl.scott at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 22:40:16 UTC 2023

Apologies, that should read *July* 16, not June 16, for the submission
deadline at the top of the email. (The body of the email contains the
correct date.)



On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 6:34 PM Ryan Scott <ryan.gl.scott at gmail.com> wrote:

> TL;DR: The submission deadline for the 2023 Haskell Implementors' Workshop
> has been extended to June 16.
> ==================================
> ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Implementors' Workshop
> https://icfp23.sigplan.org/home/hiw-2023
> Seattle, Washington, United States, September 4, 2023
> Co-located with ICFP 2023
> https://icfp23.sigplan.org/
> Important dates
> ---------------
> Deadline: July 16, 2023 (AoE) (extended)
> Notification: August 4, 2023
> Workshop: September 4, 2023
> The 15th Haskell Implementors' Workshop is to be held alongside ICFP
> 2023 this year in Seattle. It is a forum for people involved in the
> design and development of Haskell implementations, tools, libraries,
> and supporting infrastructure to share their work and to discuss future
> directions and collaborations with others.
> Talks and/or demos are proposed by submitting an abstract, and
> selected by a small program committee. There will be no published
> proceedings. The workshop will be informal and interactive, with
> open spaces in the timetable and room for ad-hoc discussion, demos,
> and short lightning talks.
> Scope and target audience
> -------------------------
> It is important to distinguish the Haskell Implementors' Workshop from
> the Haskell Symposium which is also co-located with ICFP 2023. The
> Haskell Symposium is for the publication of Haskell-related research. In
> contrast, the Haskell Implementors' Workshop will have no proceedings --
> although we will aim to make talk videos, slides, and presented data
> available with the consent of the speakers.
> The Implementors' Workshop is an ideal place to describe a Haskell
> extension, describe works-in-progress, demo a new Haskell-related tool,
> or even propose future lines of Haskell development. Members of the
> wider Haskell community are encouraged to attend the workshop -- we need
> your feedback to keep the Haskell ecosystem thriving. Students working
> with Haskell are especially encouraged to share their work.
> The scope covers any of the following topics. There may be some topics
> that people feel we've missed, so by all means submit a proposal even if
> it doesn't fit exactly into one of these buckets:
> * Compilation techniques
> * Language features and extensions
> * Type system implementation
> * Concurrency and parallelism: language design and implementation
> * Performance, optimisation and benchmarking
> * Virtual machines and run-time systems
> * Libraries and tools for development or deployment
> Talks
> -----
> We invite proposals from potential speakers for talks and
> demonstrations. We are aiming for 20-minute talks with 5 minutes for
> questions and changeovers. We want to hear from people writing
> compilers, tools, or libraries, people with cool ideas for directions in
> which we should take the platform, proposals for new features to be
> implemented, and half-baked crazy ideas. Please submit a talk title and
> abstract of no more than 300 words.
> Submissions can be made via HotCRP at https://icfp-hiw23.hotcrp.com
> until July 16 (anywhere on earth).
> We will also have a lightning talks session. These have been very well
> received in recent years, and we aim to increase the time available to
> them. Lightning talks should be ~7mins and are scheduled on the day of the
> workshop. Suggested topics for lightning talks are to present a single
> idea, a work-in-progress project, a problem to intrigue and perplex
> Haskell implementors, or simply to ask for feedback and collaborators.
> Program Committee
> -----------------
> * Gergő Érdi (Standard Chartered Bank)
> * Sebastian Graf (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
> * Wen Kokke (University of Strathclyde)
> * Ryan Scott (Galois, Inc.)
> * Rebecca Skinner (Mercury)
> * Li-yao Xia (University of Edinburgh)
> Contact
> -------
> * Ryan Scott <ryan.gl.scott at gmail.com>
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