[Haskell-cafe] data familly and `sort of` alternative
PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Thu Apr 13 20:36:27 UTC 2023
I have this class with two data type familly
class DataSource a where
data DataSourcePath a :: Type
data DataSourceAcq a :: Type
withDataSourceP :: (Location l, MonadSafe m) => l -> DataSourcePath a -> (DataSourceAcq a -> m r) -> m r
instance DataSource Double where
data DataSourcePath Double
= DataSourcePath'Double (Hdf5Path Z Double)
| DataSourcePath'Double'Const Double
deriving (Generic, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON)
data DataSourceAcq Double
= DataSourceAcq'Double Dataset
| DataSourceAcq'Double'Const Double
withDataSourceP f (DataSourcePath'Double p) g = withHdf5PathP f p $ \ds -> g (DataSourceAcq'Double ds)
withDataSourceP _ (DataSourcePath'Double'Const a) g = g (DataSourceAcq'Double'Const a)
the purpose of this is to let our users gives multiple way to extract a value from different sources.
In the previous case, from an hdf5 file or from a constante value. The withHdf5PathP method can fail and raise an Exception.
So I would like a way to provide a fallback like
(pseudo code)
withDataSourceP f (datapath `or` fallback) g = try datapath and if it fails fallback
My question is howto write this `or` method, it is not clear to me and it seems to me that this method should be usable by all the instance.
I am also not use if this is the right way to design all this.
Thanks for your help.
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