[Haskell-cafe] Generic "annotations" on type definitions

Olaf Klinke olf at aatal-apotheke.de
Sat Sep 10 17:26:34 UTC 2022

> Hello all,
> I was recently thinking about a generic programming application
> (auto-generating UI code from data definitions) that would benefit from the
> ability to "annotate" data definitions. For example, let's say you have a
> type
> data Foo = Foo {barred :: Boolean}
> You are (auto-)generating a UI to display and manipulate `Foo`s. Perhaps
> the generic UI code defaults to making a check-box for Boolean values, but
> you would rather have it be a radio button. It would be advantageous to be
> able to write something like e.g.
> data Foo = Foo {barred :: Boolean # RenderMode RadioButton}
> In many languages, you have the ability to annotate data fields in a way
> which has no bearing whatsoever on the first-order behavior or
> representation of the type, and is only reflected via the language's
> generic programming API. For example, in Java, you have
> class Foo {
> @RenderMode(RadioButton)
> bool barred;
> }
> And in Rust, you have
> struct Foo {
> #[render_mode(radio_button)]
> barred : bool
> }
> In Haskell, I do not believe we have any such system in place for
> interfacing with Generics.
> The closest I am familiar with is from the optparse-generic package, where
> you write code of the form
> data Foo w = Foo {barred :: w ::: Boolean <?> RenderMode RadioButton}
> See
> https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-generic-1.4.8/docs/Options-Generic.html#t::
> ::
> This is basically a clever way to sort of re-create what we have available
> in Rust or Java, using type families, but with the annoying downside that
> it makes interacting with your type in normal code much more cumbersome,
> and is also relatively confusing to read and write.
> Compare Rust's Clap package, which is very similar to optparse-generic, but
> more convenient to work with because the annotations don't impact normal
> usage of the type.
> See https://docs.rs/clap/latest/clap/#example
> Would it be technically feasible to add such a thing to GHC's Generics
> support? I could imagine something like updating the GHC.Generics Meta
> type's MetaCons constructor to
> MetaCons Symbol FixityI Bool *[Annotation]*
> Best,
> Will

Why not use special syntax in comments, like we do for Haddock,
doctests etc. 

data Foo = Foo {
	barred :: Boolean -- ^ #GUI[RenderMode RadioButton]

There is a functional language capable of auto-generating input forms: 
Clean https://clean.cs.ru.nl/Clean with the iTask library on top. It
can also generate forms for recursive types. The Dutch coast guard uses
it to interactively design queries to a database of marine vessel
It'd be cool if Haskell's Generics also could do that. 


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