[Haskell-cafe] selectively allow alternatives in a sum type
Dominik Schrempf
dominik.schrempf at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 20:33:03 UTC 2022
Chiming in here, maybe I missed something. Liquid Haskell is great, but in this
case, in my opinion, easier is better:
newtype LeftFoo = LeftFoo !Int
newtype RightFoo = RightFoo !Char
data Foo = LFoo LeftFoo | RFoo RightFoo – Probably with strictness annotations.
isLeftFoo :: Foo -> Bool
isLeftFoo (LFoo _) = True
isLeftFoo _ = False
takesOnlyLeftFoo :: LeftFoo -> Int
takesOnlyLeftFoo (LeftFoo i) = i
Patrick L Redmond via Haskell-Cafe <haskell-cafe at haskell.org> writes:
> Sometimes I feel the need to selectively allow or disallow alternatives
> This seems like the kind of lightweight property that Liquid Haskell (a GHC plugin) is especially suited for. Here’s a small example of “at some
> places in the program we want the type system to enforce that only the constructor LeftFoo can be used.”
> data Foo = LeftFoo !Int | RightFoo !Char
> {-@ measure isLeftFoo @-}
> isLeftFoo :: Foo -> Bool
> isLeftFoo LeftFoo{} = True
> isLeftFoo _ = False
> {-@ takesOnlyLeftFoo :: {x:Foo | isLeftFoo x} -> Int @-}
> takesOnlyLeftFoo :: Foo -> Int
> takesOnlyLeftFoo (LeftFoo i) = i
> I’ve taken Olaf’s hypothetical Foo and swapped in Int for A and Char for B, defined a function isLeftFoo that returns True for LeftFoo-constructed
> Foos, and I call isLeftFoo in the type of a function that is meant to only be called with LeftFoo values.
> This syntax in the mushroom-at-symbol comments is a refinement type. It has the same structure as the haskell type `Foo -> Int` but adds a
> precondition on the input that isLeftFoo returns True. When you compile your project with Liquid Haskell, the precondition will be checked at
> compile time by checking that callers establish the fact on any value they pass into takesOnlyLeftFoo.
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