[Haskell-cafe] Should there be a haskell template for inclusion polymorphism in Haskell?
Miao ZhiCheng
miao at decentral.ee
Thu May 26 10:15:14 UTC 2022
Hi Haskellers!
Here are some of my thoughts about polymorphism in Haskell especially the
inclusion polymorphism, with questions in the
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> module Main where
> import Unsafe.Coerce ( unsafeCoerce )
* Classification of Polymorphism
Let's assume that we are following the classification of polymorphism where
there are four types of it:
?? Btw, does anyone have a good citation of this classification? I got it
from all over the Internet instead:
** Overloading Polymorphism
It allows function with same name to act in different manner for different
** Coercion Polymorphism
Also called as casting sometimes.
** Inclusion Polymorphism
Also called as subtyping. This allows to point derived classes using base
class pointers and references.
** Parametric Polymorphism
Also called early Binding, it allows to use same piece of code for
different types. We can get it by using templates.
** Sub Classifications
In terms of being ad-hoc or universal:
- Overloading and Coercion are ad-hoc,
- Inclusion and Parametric are universal.
In terms of being compile-time vs run-time:
- Coercion, Overloading, Parametric are all compile-time polymorphism,
- while only Inclusion is run-time polymorphism.
* Different Polymorphism in Haskell
In terms of their counter parties in Haskell language:
** Overloading Polymorphismin Haskell
I think type classes basically provides such overloading ad-hoc
Some thinks so too:
> class Fooable a where
> foo :: a -> Int
> instance Fooable Int where
> foo = id
> instance Fooable Bool where
> foo _ = 42
** Coercion Polymorphism in Haskell
I think Haskell has both `Coercible` & `unsafeCoerce` for handling
representational equality in compile time.
But I am not sure if c/c++ style of conercion between similar types such as
int/float/double is something Haskell would
want to inject these magic conversion code ever.
** Parametric Polymorphism in Haskell
This is probably what Haskell is best at the most, demonstrated by the
classic `map` function definition:
> map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
> map' _ [] = []
> map' f (x:xs) = f x : map' f xs
Note that, one could also combine parametric and overloading together using
> double :: Num a => a -> a
> double x = x + x
This `double` function is parametric, but constrained only to work with Num
type classes, hence their implementations
are overloaded.
** Inclusion Polymorphism in Haskell
Ok, finally inclusion polymorphism is what I want to focus on and have some
questions here.
Before that, I do want to mention one observation, inclusion polymorphism
probably is most likely the old OOP habits
that die hard. For me at least, since I consider myself a recovering OOP
run-time polymorphism addict, and my guess is
that unless the use case do need run-time polymorphism, e.g. run-time
execution layer abstration, it is often better off
using other type of polymorphism to achieve the same result. And even
Bjarne Stroustrup is flirting with the idea:
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcpSLRpOMJM][Bjarne Stroustrup - Object
Oriented Programming without Inheritance - ECOOP 2015]]
Let's think of translating this piece of pseudo OOP style code into haskell.
interface Num {
Num (+)(Num a, Num b);
Num (*)(Num a, Num b);
Num abs(Num a);
Num negate(Num a);
Num signum(Num a);
Num fromInteger(Integer);
interface Show {
String show(Show a);
class AnyNum<T> implements Num, Show {
// trivially implements Num Show interfaces
// Now we can use AnyNum<Int>, AnyNum<Double>, etc. through their Num or
Show interfaces.
In Haskell though, thanks to the ability of having existential type, AnyNum
is actually quite nice to write:
> data AnyNum where
> MkAnyNum :: (Num a, Show a) => a -> AnyNum
But in order to use AnyNum like using interfaces in our pseudo code, we
would have to write these boiler plates and in
some cases using unsafeCoerce due to not using Typeable run-time
> instance Num AnyNum where
> (+) (MkAnyNum a) (MkAnyNum b) = MkAnyNum $ a + unsafeCoerce b
> (*) (MkAnyNum a) (MkAnyNum b) = MkAnyNum $ a + unsafeCoerce b
> abs (MkAnyNum a) = MkAnyNum . abs $ a
> negate (MkAnyNum a) = MkAnyNum . negate $ a
> signum (MkAnyNum a) = MkAnyNum . signum $ a
> fromInteger = MkAnyNum . fromInteger
> instance Show AnyNum where
> show (MkAnyNum a) = show a
Here is some test code that demonstrate how distressful unsafeCoerce is:
> main = do
> let a = MkAnyNum(1 :: Int)
> let b = MkAnyNum(2 :: Double)
> let c = MkAnyNum(3 :: Int)
> print $ show $ a + b
> print $ show $ a + c
Outputs are:
Few observations:
- If there is at most one occurance of the usage of the type class, there
is no need for the unsafeCoerce.
- Otherwise, unsafeCoerce is required, or otherwise those functions could
be left to "undefined".
So my central questions for discussions are:
- Is inclusion polymorphism something we should use at all in Haskell?
- These boiler plate code maybe better be generated using Haskell template
instead, is there one already, or should
there be one?
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