[Haskell-cafe] [ANN] mtl-2.3

Emily Pillmore emilypi at cohomolo.gy
Sat May 7 20:37:58 UTC 2022

Hello Everyone,

mtl-2.3 has been released. This release marks the first major version for the library in a long time, and addresses some longstanding issues that have taken years to fix. As a result, this will be a *breaking update* for many. Please review the following changelog notes:

* Added instances for Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS and Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.CPS from transformers 0.5.6 and add Control.Monad.Writer.CPS and Control.Monad.RWS.CPS.

* Control.Monad.Cont now re-exports evalCont and evalContT.

* Add tryError , withError , handleError , and mapError to Control.Monad.Error.Class , and re-export from Control.Monad.Except.

* Remove Control.Monad.List and Control.Monad.Error.

* Remove instances of deprecated ListT and ErrorT.

* Remove re-exports of Error.

* Add instances for Control.Monad.Trans.Accum and Control.Monad.Trans.Select ( http://control.monad.trans.select/ ).

* Require GHC 8.6 or higher, and cabal-install 3.0 or higher.

* Require transformers-0.5.6 or higher.

* Add Control.Monad.Accum for the MonadAccum type class, as well as the LiftingAccum deriving helper.

* Add Control.Monad.Select ( http://control.monad.select/ ) for the MonadSelect type class, as well as the LiftingSelect deriving helper.

A big thank you to all contributors and commentators, and a special thanks to Koz for picking up maintenance so swiftly.

Happy hacking,

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