[Haskell-cafe] strange link error

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Mon Jan 10 13:30:50 UTC 2022

Ok, just by adding 

  if flag(useHklDev)
    extra-libraries: hkl-binoculars
    extra-libraries: hkl

in the library part and

  if flag(useHklDev)
    ghc-options: "-optl-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition"
    ghc-options: "-optl-Wl,--whole-archive,../../hkl/.libs/libhkl.a,--no-whole-archive"
    ghc-options: "-optl-Wl,--whole-archive,../../binoculars/libhkl-binoculars.a,--no-whole-archive"

in the test part, I solved this issue.

thanks for your help


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