[Haskell-cafe] How can I get a list of all English words?

mukesh tiwari mukeshtiwari.iiitm at gmail.com
Sun Feb 6 16:36:08 UTC 2022

Hi Amber,

Can you give one example, or a test case? If you need every English word,
you need to read a English dictionary, which has all the words, and store
it in map, or hash-map, because list would be very slow for accessing the
words. (is it the case that you want to break a line, e.g., “brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog” into list of words, [brown, fox, jumped, over,
the, lazy, dog]?)


On Sun, 6 Feb 2022 at 16:25, Amber Crawford <aidancrawfordd at gmail.com>

> I'm creating a project in which I need a list of every English word, so
> I'm wondering how I would get this. The only thing I need is that I can
> filter the words based on some boolean function, thanks. btw I'm pretty
> beginner so sry If i'm not really good at writing these.
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