[Haskell-cafe] Some questions on Atkey-style indexed monads
Nicolas Trangez
ikke at nicolast.be
Sun Dec 4 17:05:28 UTC 2022
For some project, I'm considering (again) to use an indexed state
monad, which are now somewhat ergonomic to use with QualifiedDo.
When looking into existing packages exposing relevant types/classes, I
had some questions:
1. These packages provide something like
class IxFunctor f where
imap :: (a -> b) -> f i j a -> f i j b
class IxFunctor f => IxApplicative f where
Is this `IxFunctor` actually required/useful? It seems to me the
implementation of `imap` for some `IxFunctor f` would be equal to
`fmap` in the `Functor` implementation for `forall i j. f i j`. Hence,
can `IxFunctor` be dropped in lieu of
class (forall i j. Functor (f i j)) => IxApplicative f where
2. Existing packages predate MonadFail and QualifiedDo. The latter
requires (in some cases) an implementation of `fail` and `mfix` to be
provided by the module also providing `>>=` etc. I was wondering
whether or not there need to be (or can be) `IxMonadFail` and
`IxMonadFix` classes like
class IxMonad m => IxMonadFail m where
ifail :: String -> m i j a
class IxMonad m => IxMonadFix m where
ifix :: (a -> m i j a) -> m i j a
I'm not sure it "makes sense" to have an `ifail` which returns an `m i
j a` vs. having only a `MonadFail` (and hence `fail`) implementation
for `m i i` only, taking into account the requirement for `fail f >>=
k` to be equal to `fail f`, hence `ifail f >>=: k` to be equal to
`ifail f`.
I think the above question boils down to: is there any use in having
`ifail :: String -> m i j a` next to `fail :: String -> m i i a`, or
should (i)fail always be state-type-preserving?
Similar doubts about `IxMonadFix m` vs. `MonadFix (m i i)`.
Thanks for any insights,
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