[Haskell-cafe] Troubles with PostgreSQL, Persistent and Apple M1

Geraldus heraldhoi at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 20:59:18 UTC 2021

Thank you for your response.

I use 13.4:

arthurfayzrakhmanov at MacBook-Pro-Arthur ~/L/h/pg001> brew search postgres
==> Formulae
check_postgres      postgresql at 11       postgresql at 9.5      qt-postgresql
postgresql ✔        postgresql at 12       postgresql at 9.6      postgis
postgresql at 10       postgresql at 9.4      postgrest
==> Casks
navicat-for-postgresql                   postgrespreferencepane
postgres-unofficial                      sqlpro-for-postgres
arthurfayzrakhmanov at MacBook-Pro-Arthur ~/L/h/pg001> psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 13.4

ср, 22 сент. 2021 г. в 01:55, Branimir Maksimovic <
branimir.maksimovic at gmail.com>:

> which version of postgresql you are using?
> bmaxa at Branimirs-Air ~ % brew search postgres
> ==> Formulae
> check_postgres              postgresql at 10               postgresql at 12
>           postgresql at 9.5              postgrest                   postgis
> postgresql                  postgresql at 11               postgresql at 9.4
>            postgresql at 9.6              qt-postgresql
> ==> Casks
> navicat-for-postgresql                     postgres-unofficial
>            postgrespreferencepane                     sqlpro-for-postgres
> ?
> Greetings, Branimir.
> On 21.09.2021., at 22:47, Geraldus <heraldhoi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, dear Cafe!
> I'm having trouble compiling an application which uses PostgreSQL on a
> macbook with an M1 chip.
> Postgre itself seems to work fine.  It is installed via `homebrew` (if I'm
> not mistaken this is the only way on Mac to get pg_config, which is
> required for `persistent-postgresql`).  The error message is following:
> ```
> persistent-postgresql> <command line>:
> dlopen(/Users/arthurfayzrakhmanov/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/36432054bd8d13c1da6134758733286b536c65d34222dcf10ecb29bd437c8117/8.10.7/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.10.7/libHSpostgresql-libpq-,
> 5): *Symbol not found: _PQclear*
> persistent-postgresql>   Referenced from:
> /Users/arthurfayzrakhmanov/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/36432054bd8d13c1da6134758733286b536c65d34222dcf10ecb29bd437c8117/8.10.7/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.10.7/libHSpostgresql-libpq-
> persistent-postgresql>   *Expected in: flat namespace*
> persistent-postgresql>  in
> /Users/arthurfayzrakhmanov/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-osx/36432054bd8d13c1da6134758733286b536c65d34222dcf10ecb29bd437c8117/8.10.7/lib/x86_64-osx-ghc-8.10.7/libHSpostgresql-libpq-
> ```
> The minimal setup to reproduce is following:
> ```
> dependencies:
> - base >= 4.7 && < 5
> - persistent >= && < 3
> - persistent-postgresql >= && < 3
> ```
> Digging around gave me just a few clues.  It seems that `libpq` I have is
> compiled some other way it expected, and missing some symbols required
> `persistent-postgresql` to work.  I believe this is not a bug, rather that
> a local configuration issue.
> Does anyone know which is right setup to build persistent-postgresql on
> Macs with M1 chip? Thanks in advance.
> Sincerely.
> Arthur.
> P.S. Please apologize if this is not a right place to ask such questions.
> Asked already in Yesod Google Groups and Stack Overflow.  But didn't
> received any feedback.
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