[Haskell-cafe] Backpack: polymorphic instantation?
Jaro Reinders
jaro.reinders at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 10:13:59 UTC 2021
I have now found a way to implement a PrimMonad signature using type
(constraint) families and equality constraints. It supports IO, ST, and
ReaderT. The code is here:
It still feels like a hack (and maybe even a bug with the GHC implementation of
Backpack), but it seems to work (it compiles, so it must work :P). I would love
to know if there is an easier way.
Now, I'll try to see if this is actually practical to use.
On 11-09-2021 11:58, Jaro Reinders wrote:
> I'm playing around with backpack, trying to rewrite existing libraries. My end
> goal is to see if Backpack could improve the primitive library. Right now, the
> primitive library (in my opinion) relies too heavily on specialization of its
> type classes, so I think Backpack could help. However, I seem to be running
> into a limitation. I am wondering if it is a fundamental limitation, if perhaps
> there is a workaround, or if Backpack could be improved to support this use-case.
> Instead of primitive, I will take the simpler example: semigroup, which also
> shows this limitation. Let's convert the Semigroup class to a backpack signature:
> unit indef where
> signature Semigroup where
> import Prelude hiding ((<>))
> data T
> (<>) :: T -> T -> T
> The problem is how to implement this signature with the type of polymorphic
> lists. It is easy to implement it for concrete lists like strings:
> unit string where
> module Semigroup where
> import Prelude hiding ((<>))
> type T = String
> (<>) :: T -> T -> T
> (<>) = (++)
> It is also possible to implement it in terms of another signature:
> unit list where
> signature Elem where
> data A
> module Semigroup where
> import Prelude hiding ((<>))
> import Elem
> type T = [A]
> (<>) :: T -> T -> T
> (<>) = (++)
> This is still problematic, because it is annoying that this new type A needs to
> be instantiated each time you want to use it. However, even more importantly,
> if I want to translate the 'PrimMonad' class to a Backpack signature then the
> 'ST s' instance needs a polymorphic type variable 's', which cannot be made
> concrete.
> And do note that I want the monad to be concrete for performance reasons, but
> the 's' parameter doesn't have to be concrete, because it is a phantom
> parameter anyway. And for lists making the 'a' parameter concrete also would
> not improve performance as far as I know.
> One possible way to fix this is to add a type variable in the 'Semigroup'
> signature, but then I think it becomes impossible to write the 'String'
> instance and sometimes you need more than one new type variable such as with
> the 'ReaderT r (ST s)' instance of 'PrimMonad'.
> In OCaml you can still kind of work around this problem by creating local
> instances inside functions. That trick still allows you to write a polymorphic
> concatenation function using a monoid signature (taken from [1]):
> let concat (type a) xs =
> let module MU = MonoidUtils (ListMonoid(struct type t = a end)) in
> MU.concat xs;;
> So, I'm wondering if it would be possible to "generalise" over indefinite
> Backpack types such as 'A' in the 'Elem' signature above or if we can at least
> implement something which enables the same trick that you can use in OCaml.
> Thanks,
> Jaro
> [1] https://blog.shaynefletcher.org/2017/05/more-type-classes-in-ocaml.html
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