[Haskell-cafe] ghci's choice of names for type variables
Julian Bradfield
jcb at inf.ed.ac.uk
Sat Oct 30 14:50:16 UTC 2021
On 2021-10-30, Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de> wrote:
> But the type checker also tries to preserves names, and in your example
> Prelude> h (x : xs) = x
> Prelude> :t h
> h :: [a] -> a
> I _think_ this is an `a` because the list type is declared roughtly
> like follows
> data [a] = [] | a:[a]
Yes, Johannes also suggested that (though I missed it in my first
reading of his message).
> TyVarTv -> fsLit "a"
> | TyVarTv -- A variant of TauTv, except that it should not be
> -- unified with a type, only with a type variable
> -- See Note [TyVarTv] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
The TyVarTv's which are named "a" appear, it says, only in kind
signatures and partial type signatures, neither of which I understand,
so presumably don't use.
> And the others produce either t’s or p’s. For the "p", the relevant
> code is
> newMetaTyVarTyAtLevel :: TcLevel -> TcKind -> TcM TcType
> newMetaTyVarTyAtLevel tc_lvl kind
> = do { details <- newTauTvDetailsAtLevel tc_lvl
> ; name <- newMetaTyVarName (fsLit "p")
> ; return (mkTyVarTy (mkTcTyVar name kind details)) }
> but my knowledge of the type checker isn’t good enough to tell you in
> which situations this is used, and when to expect "p" and when to
> expect "t". And maybe GHC shouldn’t use "p" there, and simply
> consistently use "t", so that users aren’t even tempted to think about
> this…
Likewise, I can't work out what's going on here.
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