[Haskell-cafe] Pattern guards seen in the wild?

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Fri Oct 1 05:29:16 UTC 2021

On Fri, Oct 01, 2021 at 04:06:45PM +1300, Anthony Clayden wrote:

> Browsing some docos for a completely other purpose, I came across this code:
> >    f' [x, y] | True <- x, True <- y = True
> >    f' _ = False
> (In User Guide Matching of Pattern Synonyms.)

A fairly synthetic exmaple...

> In 10 years of reading Haskell code, I've never seen them. Does anybody use
> them? Are they more ergonomic than guards as plain Boolean expressions? Are
> 'local bindings' any different vs shunting the `let` to the rhs of the `=`?

The pattern guards in the example are far from compelling as written,
but I do regularly use them in I hope more natural contexts.

> I'd write that code as:
> >    f'' [x at True, y at True]  = True
> >    f'' _ = False

Or with no guards at all:

       f'' [x, y] = x && y
       f'' _      = False

More realistic examples:


Or code to process a possibly not yet complete (to be continued) SMTP

    smtpGreeting :: Int -> SmtpReply -> SmtpM B.ByteString
    smtpGreeting _ r
        | replyCont r            = pure B.empty
        | code <- replyCode r
        , code `div` 100 /= 2    = B.empty <$ modify' bail code
        | otherwise              = smtpSendHello
        bail code s =
            s { smtpErr = ProtoErr code $ replyText r }

which would otherwise be something like:

    smtpGreeting :: Int -> SmtpReply -> SmtpM B.ByteString
    smtpGreeting _ r =
        if replyCont r 
        then pure B.empty
        else let code = replyCode r
              in if code `div` 100 == 2
                 then smtpSendHello
                 else B.empty <$ modify' bail code
        bail code s =
            s { smtpErr = ProtoErr code $ replyText r }

but I find the pattern guard form to read "declarative", with less "if
then else" baggage and nesting getting in the way of seeing the
essential conditions.


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