[Haskell-cafe] Future of package cryptonite

Sven Panne svenpanne at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 08:05:16 UTC 2021

Am Mo., 15. März 2021 um 01:17 Uhr schrieb Kazu Yamamoto <kazu at iij.ad.jp>:

> We should also take care of "memory", "foundation" and "basement".
> No action is taken for over a month to
> https://github.com/haskell-foundation/foundation/pull/549

Somehow I'm getting more and more allergic to all these hasty unwarranted
"I want to take over package XY" requests. The last release of
cryptonite was less than 7 weeks ago, a PR for foundation was not merged
within 5 weeks, etc. etc.  For god's sake: If you are in such a hurry, just
fork locally! Or even better: Give the maintainers a huge pile of $$$, most
of them are doing their stuff in their spare time, so you can't expect SLAs
where you would have to spend 5 digit sums as a company. Or you can fork
visibly on e.g. GitHub under a different package name and let other people
decide which variant to take.

"Taking over" a package can almost be seen as robbery from the point of
view of the original author, and it is actively discouraging people to make
their code Open Source. We should be much, much more sensitive in the
Haskell community, I haven't seen such things in other language ecosystems.

Having said that, I think that a few projects are blocked by stack issues
before they can support GHC 9.0. It would be great if things would be
released more in lock-step, I dream of a world where a new GHC comes out in
sync with cabal, stack, Stackage, Haskell language server etc. all
supporting the new compiler. Other language ecosystems are lightyears ahead
regarding this... :-/

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