[Haskell-cafe] Fwd: Is anyone running regular virtual Haskell hacking events?

amin saffari amin.saffari at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 08:23:23 UTC 2021

This is indeed a great idea, If I'm not mistaken Chris Goldammer was
hosting a series of sessions with the name "Remote Haskell Learners'' (in
its practical term) in BFPG (
https://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Functional-Programming-Group). Also, not sure
if you wanna make a new meetup group, but I am sure you can host and
advertise your sessions in BFPG, they have a great (and talented) community
and close to all of its members are familiar with the pros&cons of virtual
events, as they frequently have a virtual sessions.


On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 3:23 AM Chris Smith <cdsmith at gmail.com> wrote:

> Forwarding as I forgot to include the mailing list in my reply.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Chris Smith <cdsmith at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 9:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is anyone running regular virtual Haskell
> hacking events?
> To: Jeffrey Brown <jeffbrown.the at gmail.com>
> Jeffrey Brown <jeffbrown.the at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think it's a great idea. What would helping you organize involve?
> Great question.  I think what I need most is:
> 1. Well before the event: a second brain to look at the plan and help
> think of things that can go wrong for some attendees, and what we might do
> to mitigate these factors, or anything else that should be done differently
> from what's in my head.
> 2. Shortly before the event: advertise!  Make sure people know about it
> and are excited to come.
> 3. During the event: someone to play host a bit and help people find
> something to do, and generally be helpful to anyone who is lost or
> confused.  That's not a role that I'm very good at, and I think it's more
> than a one-person job anyway.
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