[Haskell-cafe] Pearl! I just proved theorem about impossibility of monad transformer for parsing with (1) unbiased choice and (2) ambiguity checking before running embedded monadic action (also, I THREAT I will create another parsing lib)

Chris Smith cdsmith at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 23:12:17 UTC 2021

Details aside, this sounds like an instance of the common relationship
between Monad and Applicative: namely, analysis is possible on Applicative
structures without executing effects, while Monad structures cannot be
analyzed without executing its effects in a specific instance and looking
at their results.  That's less specific than your result and uses some
fuzzy language, but it's a pattern that comes up a lot.  As far as Arrow,
in the absence of ArrowApply it occupies a space similar to Applicative.  I
imagine an ArrowApply instance would interfere with your desired properties
in the same way that a Monad instance does.

People have definitely talked about using Applicative for parsing in
this way (e.g., see
https://jobjo.github.io/2019/05/19/applicative-parsing.html), but I'm not
familiar with a specific parsing library that meets your needs.  Maybe
someone else can jump in there. I just wanted to suggest that you broaden
your search to include Applicative-based parsers as well as Arrow-based.

Good luck!


On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 6:22 PM Askar Safin via Haskell-Cafe <
haskell-cafe at haskell.org> wrote:

> Hi. I hope people here, at haskell-cafe, like various theorem, pearls on
> parsing, monads, monad transformers and anything like that, right? So, I
> just proved something interesting for you!
> Theorem about impossibility of monad transformer for parsing with (1)
> unbiased choice and (2) ambiguity checking before running embedded monadic
> action.
> I already presented it on #haskell in Libera chat, now let me send it
> here. This is not quite theorem, i. e. I would not say that it keeps with
> mathematical standards of rigor.
> ---------------------------
> I want monad transformer (let's name it ParserT) with following properties
> (hint: I proved such transformer doesn't exist):
> - it has unbiased choice (i. e. (<|>) :: ParserT m a -> ParserT m a ->
> ParserT m a) (this means running parser can give you multiple results)
> - you can run parser without executing embedded monadic actions. i. e.
> "run" function should look like this:
> run :: ParserT m a -> String -> [m a] {- Not m [a] -}
> I want such function, because I want to do this: run parser, then count
> number of possible parses, then (if count is equal to one) actually execute
> embedded monadic action. I. e. I want something like this:
> parser :: ParserT (Either String) ()
> parser = .....
> main :: IO ()
> main = do {
>   input <- ....;
>   case run parser input of {
>     [res] -> do {
>       -- Cool! we got exactly one result! Let's run it
>       case res of {
>         Left e -> putStr $ "Parsing succeed, but we have semantic error: "
> ++ e;
>         Right () -> putStr "Everything OK";
>       };
>     };
>     _ -> putStr "Cannot parse. 0 parse trees or >1 parse trees";
>   };
> }
> Now let me state theorem.
> Theorem. Such transformer doesn't exist. Moreover, even if I replace
> arbitrary monad "m" with particular monad "Maybe" (or "Either String") the
> task is still unsolvable. But the task seems achievable using arrows
> -------------------------------------
> Proof. Let's imagine such "ParsecT Maybe" exists. Let's imagine we have
> such function:
> char :: Char -> ParserT Maybe Char {- matches supplied char -}
> Also, keep in mind we have "lift":
> lift :: Maybe a -> ParserT Maybe a
> Now let's write this:
> parseA = char 'a'
> parseAorA = char 'a' <|> char 'a'
> contr = do {
>   a <- lift $ Nothing;
>   if a > 5 then parseA else parseAorA;
>   return ();
> }
> Now, please, say, what is (run contr "a")? How many elements will (run
> contr "a") have? If "a > 5", then (run contr "a") will contain one element.
> If "a <= 5", then (run contr "a") will contain two elements. But we cannot
> know whether "a > 5", because we cannot extract "a" from "Nothing". So, we
> got contradiction. QED
> -----------------
> In other words, function "run" with type "ParserT m a -> String -> [m a]"
> means that we should somehow be able to know count of parses before
> executing monadic action. But this is impossible, because our parser can
> contain code like this: (do { a <- lift $ ...; if a then ... else ...; }).
> I. e. count of parses can depend on value, embedded in inner monad, so we
> cannot know count of parses before we run embedded inner monadic action.
> This theorem is not simply out of curiosity. I actually need parsing lib
> with this properties.
> 1. I need unbiased choice, because it is compatible with CFGs, and I love
> CFGs (as opposed to PEG)
> 2. I need embedding monads, because this allows me to check semantic
> errors (such as "type mismatch") in time of parsing. I. e. I can simply
> embed (Either String) monad into parsing monad, and use this (Either
> String) monad for checking semantic errors
> 3. I need to know number of parse trees before executing monadic actions
> (i. e. i need ([m a]) as opposed to (m [a])), because I want to check that
> number of parses is equal to 1 (if not, then print error), and then extract
> inner monad (which will contain information about semantic errors). In
> other words, I want check the input for ambiguity (and print error if it is
> ambiguous), and if it is not ambiguous, then print possible semantic errors
> (if any). The possibility of ambiguity detection is whole point of using
> CFGs as opposed to PEGs (which are always unambiguous, but this unambiguity
> is simply trick).
> 4. Every terminal and nonterminal should carry location info (i. e. begin
> and end of this string). And this location info should be passed
> implicitly. And it should not be embedded deeply in ASTs I will use. (This
> means that "happy" is not for me. As well as I understand it cannot
> implicitly pass location info. In
> https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/master/compiler/GHC/Parser.y I see
> explicit location management all the time.)
> 5. Left recursion is not needed
> So, does such lib exist? Well, I already know such lib should be arrow
> based (as opposed to monad). So, is there such arrow parsing lib? Embedding
> arbitrary inner monad is not needed, just embedding (Either String) will go.
> If there is no such lib, I plan to create my own. This is threat! :)
> Also, I wrote letter long ago asking for parsing lib with different
> properties. I included desire for reversibility, among others. Well, this
> was other task. For my current task I don't need reversibility.
> ==
> Askar Safin
> http://safinaskar.com
> https://sr.ht/~safinaskar
> https://github.com/safinaskar
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