[Haskell-cafe] A quick question about distribution of finite maps.

Ignat Insarov kindaro at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 12:09:14 UTC 2021

Wow, this blew up overnight. Thank you Olaf and allies for attending to this
topic. But I think there is a hidden mismatch of premises. So let me take a step
back and look at things again, in order, from the ground up.

> Hi Ignat, would you slow down a bit and tell us the idea behind your
> question?
> You seem to expect Map forms a Cartesian closed category, and
> want to know if the specific property of CCC holds ("functors of shape (a ⇸ -)
> are distributive".)
> Could you explain that expectation step-by-step? For the first step, let us know
> the category made from Maps more clearly. I mean, (1) what are the objects
> of that category? (2) what are the morphisms? (3) how the identity morphisms
> and the composition of morphisms are defined?
> The next step would be the "Cartesian" part. This category should have
> direct product of any finite number of objects. What exactly are these,
> and how do you define the projection morphisms (equivalents of `fst` and
> `snd` in your category) and the product of morphisms (equivalent of `&&&`.)
> It's too rushed to think about CCC until these aren't clear.

This is most fair. Being a software engineer and not a mathematician, I was
hoping to avoid the scrutiny into what I was taking to be an accepted base
line. It did not play out as I hoped, so let us rewind.

As I offered previously:

> The category **Haskell** of Haskell types and total functions is not a
> suitable category for these entities, because you cannot represent subsets in
> it, and subsets are kinda the whole point of the exercise. So I look at it as
> though **Haskell** is a subcategory of **Set** and **Finite Set** — the
> category of finite sets and finite maps — is another, although not entirely
> disjoint subcategory.

I take **Finite Set** to be Cartesian closed with the same product and exponent
objects as its supercategory **Set**. Objections?

None, excellent. Now to the mentioned mismatch. There are two philosophies:

1. Let us model perfect Mathematics in an imperfect programming language as best
   we can.
2. Let us have only as much Mathematics as we can so our programming language
   remains perfect.

I employ the approach №1 here. Also, I already have a good idea of what I want
to do, and I already have code that works. This makes proofs of non-existence
somewhat less effective, in the sense that they cannot discourage me from
exploring the matter. If the idea cannot work, I need to know in what cases it
_does_ work. Actually, I find the idea that finite sets and functions may be
represented in Haskell very attractive in general, so I think it is worth the
effort to realize it in Haskell possibly better, even if perfect realization is
unattainable _(and it is)_.

That is not to say that I am going to ignore all objections. But I do want to
recover as much as can be recovered. If not a category, maybe a semigroupoid? If
not a monoid, maybe a semigroup? If we cannot model it in types, can we still
use it with imaginary proofs? Maybe we can use a clever normalization to exclude
pathologies? And so on.

Particularly, I do not invoke the `Maybe` stuff — instead I say that an
evaluation of a finite map on a value outside the set of its keys is an error
and it is the responsibility of the programmer to prove that no such evaluations
occur, even though they may pass the type checker. Yes, I give up type safety.

## Now to the technical details.

We do not have subtypes in Haskell, but we do have subsets and finite maps — it
is only that the type system does not know which subsets and finite maps are
compatible. So, we depart from the category **Haskell** of types and total
functions, and we allow instead that some values may be objects in our category
**X** — notably the values of type `Set α`.

* Now a function may be restricted to a finite set via `fromSet ∷ (k → a) → Set
  k → Map k a`, so there are arrows in **X** for every pair of an arrow of
  **Haskell** and a finite subset of an object of **Haskell** that has a total
  ordering _(or even mere decidable equality if we may sacrifice performance)_.

* An identity arrow for a given finite set is then a restriction of `id` to that

* Finite maps compose when the domain of one subsumes the range of the other via
  `fmap (g !) f`.

* Terminal object is the unique singleton of type `Set ( )` or any uniquely
  isomorphic singleton of a type with a single nullary constructor.

* The product of two finite sets is given by `cartesianProduct`, and projections
  are the appropriate restrictions of the usual `fst` and `snd`.

* The exponential object is a finite set of all maps with the same domain and
  range. I went on and invented the definitions witnessing the requisite

      curry = mapKeysWith union fst ∘ mapWithKey (singleton ∘ snd)
      uncurry = unions ∘ mapWithKey (mapKeys ∘ (, ))

  They pass any example except the one Tom gave earlier, with an empty map.

This establishes a Cartesian closed category of somewhat idealized entities. Can
the realization of this category in Haskell be perfected to exclude pathologies
by construction? Perhaps it is enough to normalize maps with `dropEmpty` before
comparison? Seems worth some research.

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