[Haskell-cafe] Sizes in memory?

Dušan Kolář kolar at fit.vut.cz
Fri Feb 19 08:05:04 UTC 2021

Dear café,

I don't know, whether this is the right place to ask, but I'll try :-)

If I would like to know size of the list in the memory (after complete evaluation, e.g. 
deepseq). The type is [( Int, [([Int],[Int])] )].

So we have K tuples of the type (Int,[([Int],[Int])])
Each tuple has N tuples of the type ([Int],[Int])
and each of these lists M elements long (yes, both a are of the same length).

Top level list needs (on 64bit CPU) 8 bytes for pointer to elements, 8 bytes to point 
to another element, some more "expenses", probably yes, tag, anything else?

So we have K*(16+XXX), where XXX is for size of (Int,[([Int],[Int])]).

Tuple needs 8 bytes for each pointer, so XXX = 16 + YYY, where YYY is the size of the 
[([Int],[Int])] list. It needs 8 + 8 bytes on the list, we have N such elements, thus YYY = 
N * (16 + ZZZ), where ZZZ is size of the ([Int],[Int]).

Again tuple, so 16 bytes + 2*(M * (16 + 8))
-- 16 bytes for 2 tuple elements
-- 2 for two lists
-- every list 16 bytes for list itself
-- 8 bytes for Int

So ZZZ = 16 + 2*(M * (16 + 8)), thus
YYY = N * (16 + 16 + 2*(M * (16 + 8))), thus
XXX = 16 + N * (16 + 16 + 2*(M * (16 + 8))), thus
size = K * (16 + 16 + N * (16 + 16 + 2*(M * (16 + 8))))
     = K* (32 + N* (32 + M*48) )

Am I right? Roughly right? Or totally wrong?

E.g. for K = 25, N = 10000, M = 7 we get cca 88MiB ? 

Why am I asking? In reality the memory consumption is much higher, so I must be 
missing some extras, e.g. each memory chunk extra 8 bytes for GC, extra for tag, 
extra to point to VMT?


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