[Haskell-cafe] Parsing XML

Ruben Astudillo ruben.astud at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 21:46:46 UTC 2021


On 03-08-21 12:45, John Arnold wrote:
> Conducting a search for 'Haskell XML parsing' yields postings that are in
> the region of 10+yrs old.

I think that has more to do with the general xml popularity. People aren't
writing XML tutorial in haskell anymore. Now if you look at the json parsing

> I am sure there are packages that have been developed/update in the recent
> past.
> Any thoughts?

The go to option was and is `hxt` [1]. It's a little bit on the huge size,
but it should have the biggest use on the ecosystem [2]. There are probably
newer options now that use lenses if you are on that sort of thing, but I
don't know them.

Good luck.

Rubén. pgp: 4EE9 28F7 932E F4AD

[1]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hxt
[2]: https://packdeps.haskellers.com/reverse/hxt

On 03-08-21 12:45, John Arnold wrote:
> I am building a prototype for processing ISO 20022 Payment Initiation
> messages. These messages are in XML format and I want the prototype to be
> built using Haskell.
> Conducting a search for 'Haskell XML parsing' yields postings that are in
> the region of 10+yrs old.
> I am sure there are packages that have been developed/update in the recent
> past.
> Any thoughts?

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